Cluster of Java Web Learning Notes

colony Clusters are mainly divided into three categories (high availability cluster, load balancing cluster and scientific computing cluster) High availability cluster Load balance cluster High performance computing cluster 1. High availability cluster    HA clusters made of two nodes are common. They have many popular and uns ...

Added by jpadie on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 20:25:50 +0200

ApacheBench (ab) is used for interface pressure test and parameter result analysis under Windows environment

1, Purpose and content of this paper The main content of this paper is to build and use ab for interface pressure test and data analysis under windows environment for the first time 2, What is ab? Apache bench is a web stress testing tool provided with Apache server, abbreviated as ab. AB itself is a command-line tool with low local req ...

Added by andyg2 on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 09:14:18 +0200

Dubbo's Troubleshooting: distributed service components of Spring Cloud Alibaba series

1. Distributed theory 1.1 basic definition of distributed Definition of distributed system principle and paradigm: "A distributed system is a collection of several independent computers that are like a single related system to users." distributed system is a software system based on network. 1.2 architecture development and evolu ...

Added by JonathanS on Tue, 30 Nov 2021 00:49:19 +0200

ASM bytecode stub

Why full burial? Buried points in the past manual form In the past, the buried points were artificially defined and selectively buried. The number of buried points continued to increase after multiple version iterations. Calling basically the same code in each code block is highly intrusive. If you replace the SDK later, you may make a lot o ...

Added by ziggy3000 on Tue, 23 Nov 2021 04:29:20 +0200

Introduction and usage of Apache Doris dynamic partition

​ 1. Introduction In some usage scenarios, the user will partition the table by day and perform routine tasks regularly every day. At this time, the user needs to manually manage the partition. Otherwise, the data import may fail because the user does not create a partition, which brings additional maintenance costs to the user. Through the ...

Added by lost305 on Tue, 28 Sep 2021 08:33:08 +0300

Apache APIs IX provides KubeSphere with better gateway and K8S Ingress Controller

Introduction to KubeSphere KubeSphere is a cloud oriented native application system built on Kubernetes. IT is completely open source, supports multi cloud and multi cluster management, provides full stack IT automatic operation and maintenance capability, and simplifies the DevOps workflow of enterprises. Its architecture makes IT very conven ...

Added by fredouille on Fri, 17 Sep 2021 14:04:08 +0300

Maven Nexus Private Library Setup with idea Development Configuration

1. Set up Nexus private server Environment preparation: OS:        [root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) JDK Installation Download address:        tar -xzf jdk1.8.0_121.tar.gz mkdir /usr/j ...

Added by alonso on Wed, 15 Jul 2020 19:21:43 +0300

mybatis Series IV: Dynamic SQL

Dynamic SQL is a powerful feature of MyBatis.When using JDBC to manipulate data, concatenating conditions into SQL strings can be painful if there are too many query conditions. The usual solution is to write a lot of if-else conditional statements and strings to concatenate, and make sure you don't forget spaces or omit commas at the end of fi ...

Added by jaikar on Tue, 07 Jul 2020 18:08:09 +0300

Change the password of Apache ActiveMQ

Related abbreviation abbreviation explain MQ In this article, we specifically refer to Apache ActiveMQ $ACTIVEMQ_HOME MQ installation directory Modify the console login password of MQ Since MQ is started in the jetty container, you only need to change the following two places to change the ...

Added by vito336 on Sat, 27 Jun 2020 09:32:42 +0300

Summary of ActiveMQ vulnerability utilization

preface: Apache ActiveMQ is a set of open source message middleware developed by Apache Software Foundation in the United States. It supports Java message service, cluster, Spring Framework, etc. With the start of middleware, two ports will be opened, 61616 is the work port, where messages are deliver ...

Added by tr0gd0rr on Tue, 23 Jun 2020 11:14:09 +0300