RILD - Chapter 5 - A complete request process

V. A Complete Process A complete process consists of the following four steps: 1. Eventloop receives RILJ requests and sends them to the reference library: RILJ -> Eventloop -> reference 2. Reference is responsible for converting commands into AT commands and sending them to Modem: reference -> Modem 3. reference receives a modem ...

Added by happypete on Sun, 02 Jun 2019 01:07:10 +0300

jQuery Best Practices

Version specification Since IE6/7/8 is no longer available after jQuery 2.0, most projects recommend the latest version of 1.X, which is based on 1.11.1. Ready incident Before DOM operation, it is necessary to monitor the page loading progress, and DOM editing operation should be performed after the page loading is completed. ...

Added by shikhartandon on Sun, 02 Jun 2019 00:21:01 +0300

javascript Knowledge Advancement [Object]

I. Object Description All variables in JavaScript can be used as objects (with properties and methods), with two exceptions null and undefined. The literal value of a number can also be used as an object. A mistake in the JavaScript parser is easy to confuse, trying to parse the point operator into part of a floating-point literal value. ...

Added by ankhmor on Sat, 01 Jun 2019 22:31:54 +0300

SharePoint REST API - Lists and List Items

Blog address: This article focuses on how to use SharePoint REST to manipulate lists and list items. Read this article first to understand the introduction and basic operation of REST described earlier. No more nonsense, let's start now. Getting list attributes with REST When you know the GUID of a list, you can use ...

Added by bob_dole on Sat, 01 Jun 2019 02:37:33 +0300

Java/Android Design Patterns Series (2) -- Observer Patterns

In this article, we will talk about the observer model, which is used frequently in real projects. The most commonly used parts of the observer model are GUI system, subscription-publishing system and so on. Because an important role of this model is decoupling, so that they rely less on each other, or even do not rely on each other. For GUI s ...

Added by mikeduke on Thu, 30 May 2019 22:36:00 +0300

Form form submission and Validform validation

Whether it's for login, registration or adding or modifying entities, we will use forms and validation at the same time. Here we will explain the details of form submission in combination with Validform validation. 1. Introducing Documents <link href="css/validate.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="scripts/jquery/jquery-1.11. ...

Added by watsmyname on Thu, 30 May 2019 22:14:36 +0300

Notes - Java Web Learning Tour

junit unit testing Black-box testing: No code is needed to give input values to see if the program can output the expected values. White-box testing: Some code is needed to focus on the specific execution process of the program. Junit Use: White Box Testing Steps: Define a test class (test case) Define test methods: They can run independe ...

Added by webwired on Thu, 30 May 2019 21:10:13 +0300

Solutions to Browser Compatibility Problems

Solutions to Browser Compatibility Problems Popularity: Browser compatibility problems are often caused by inconsistent definitions of some standards by individual browsers (yes, that particular browser). As the saying goes: Without IE, there will be no harm. Tips: The content is self-summarized, there will inevitably be errors or bug s, yo ...

Added by ikebaldo on Wed, 29 May 2019 23:02:24 +0300

Android modifies the color of native RatingBar

First, depend on your build.gradle dependencies { compile '' // where X.X.X version } 1 2 3 1 2 3 Then let your activity inherit public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { ... } 1 2 3 1 2 3 Declare the following attributes in st ...

Added by jim_de_bo on Wed, 29 May 2019 21:21:24 +0300

Capturing video thumbnails with canvas

When publishing videos, we often need to upload thumbnails of videos at the same time. Recently, at the request of product managers, we need to do a dynamic function of publishing videos. My first reaction is to think of H5 tags vidio and canvas. Here I record the process of completing this function:First, the overall idea is to create a video, ...

Added by xcoderx on Wed, 29 May 2019 21:13:09 +0300