python polymorphism, combination, reflection

Polymorphism, polymorphism polymorphic Polymorphic popular understanding, like diga Altman has three forms, how to change or diga Altman Definition: polymorphism refers to a class of things with multiple forms Examples are as follows: '''Animals have many forms of expression, and people are also one of the animals. Speaking here ...

Added by GroundZeroStudios on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 22:47:18 +0200

#Learn Python# Python's built-in random module with a small hand

random of Python built-in moduleRandom library is a standard library for generating random numbers in Python. The list of functions included is as follows:Basic random functions: seed, random, getstate, setstate;Extended random functions: random, getrandbits, random, choice, shuffle, sample;Distributed random functions: uniform, triangular, bet ...

Added by tomasd on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 22:21:53 +0200

Java thread pool details

The previous article introduces the thread related content in detail, but in the usual development work, we rarely create a thread directly for use, which is generally called through the thread pool. This article will introduce how thread pools work in Java and the differences between various thread pools 1, Threads and thread pools We can se ...

Added by ekosoftco on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 22:14:40 +0200

java class loader

java. java is often encountered in the development process Lang. classnotfoundexception. Why is this exception? Because the class you want to use is not loaded into the virtual machine. This article will introduce the class loader of java, let you understand the mechanism of loading a class file into the virtual machine, and introduce how to cu ...

Added by ben_m_gunn on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 18:29:20 +0200

String foundation in java

String class (1) When using the String class, there is no need to guide the package. All strings in the program are instances of the String class, that is, all double quoted strings in the java program are String class objects. String construction method public String() creates a blank string objectpublic String(char[] arr) creates a string ...

Added by shanksta13 on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 18:12:59 +0200

String class (Java language)

preface We are learning the C language. There is no special type definition for strings, while the Java language has a special type definition for Strings - String. This blog will introduce the explanation of String types in Java in detail. Create string Common ways to construct strings public class TestDemo2 { public static void ma ...

Added by Grisu on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 17:30:00 +0200

SpringBoot uses the ApplicationListener listener

Usage scenario In some business scenarios, after a series of actions such as initialization, restart and shutdown of the Serverlet container, some operations need to be processed, such as loading some data, initializing the cache, registering specific tasks, and so on. At this time, we can use the ApplicationListener provided by Spring to oper ...

Added by glory452 on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 15:12:12 +0200

2022 Java timing new posture StopWatch

1, Background   sometimes we need to record the execution time of each task or the execution time of a piece of code during development. The simplest way is to print the difference between the current time and the execution completion time. Generally, we detect the execution time of a piece of code in the following way: public static voi ...

Added by Alelinux on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 12:11:19 +0200

Starting from Hello world, Python's string formatting

The beginning of everything The first thing every Python Learner learns is to let Python say hello to the world. I am very impressed by this sentence, because Python is the programming language I first came into contact with. This sentence is also my "mother" in learning programming language: # Python 2 print "Hello, world!" # Pyth ...

Added by masteroleary on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 11:43:13 +0200

[talk through spring MVC] what kind of Java Dao layer is most suitable for our project

JOOQ framework provides a language based on generated entities. Using this language, you can create compile time safe queries. JOOQ can generate dialects for many databases. It also cleans up boilerplate code, such as closing connections. 1. `UserRecord user = newUserRecord();` 2. `user.setId(1);` 3. `user.setName("Peter");` 4. `Result ...

Added by eleven0 on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 11:26:54 +0200