Introduction to Java generics

1 what is generics 1.1 problems when not using generics Before JAVA introduced generics, you can store any data type Object by building a collection with the element type of Object. However, in the process of using the collection, you need to know the data type of each element. Otherwise, it is easy to cause ClassCastException exceptions. The ...

Added by Niccaman on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 14:17:53 +0200

01Hadoop learning notes - Hadoop cluster construction

1 Introduction 1. What is it Hadoop is an open source software of apache for big data storage and computing. 2. What can I do a big data storage b distributed computing c (computer) resource scheduling 3. Features High performance, low cost, high efficiency and reliability. It is universal and simple to use 4. Version 4.1 open source communi ...

Added by j.bouwers on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 12:52:31 +0200

Web~Maven foundation - what is Maven? How do I use Maven?

catalogue I What is Maven Maven project file structure: II Maven's configuration file - POM xml III Dependency management 1.maven warehouse 2. In POM Configure dependency in XML file IV Lifecycle and its related commands V Order in which Maven loads dependent packages I What is Maven Maven: project construction tool, packaging tool ...

Added by hvle on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 11:33:31 +0200

registerListeners() of Spring source code and publish subscribe mode

registerListeners() of Spring source code and publish subscribe modeHello, I'm classmate Tian, a programmer.Today, let's explain the registerListeners() method in the refresh() method, which is often referred to as the publish subscribe mode of Spring. This paper first gives an example of publish subscribe mode, then explains the principles of ...

Added by jreed2132 on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 09:45:46 +0200

Java learning journey -- String

This blog will explain the String class in java in detail. Create string Common ways to construct String //Mode 1 String str = "hello"; //Mode 2 String str1 = new String("Hello"); //Mode 3 char[] array = {'a', 'b', 'c'}; String str2 = new String(array); be careful: String literal constants such as "hello" are also of type s ...

Added by o3d on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 09:43:18 +0200

Quickly understand the commonly used asymmetric encryption algorithms, and no longer have to worry about the thorough inquiry of the interviewer

Interviewer: what are your commonly used encryption algorithms? Encryption algorithms are usually divided into two kinds: symmetric encryption algorithm and asymmetric encryption algorithm. The symmetric encryption algorithm uses the same key in encryption and decryption; Asymmetric encryption algorithm uses different keys in encryption and ...

Added by Xadian on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 09:25:38 +0200

Java object oriented

JAVA object oriented Advantages of object orientation: Consistent with human thinking, "class" simulates abstract concepts in the real world, and "object" simulates entities in the real worldInformation hiding to improve the maintainability and security of the program: encapsulating the attributes and behaviors of the ...

Added by matt86 on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 08:22:21 +0200

Notes on Java exception handling mechanism

What is an exception Abnormal situation An abnormal condition that occurs during the operation of a program, resulting in the unexpected termination of the program. How to handle exceptions In Java, the exception information is encapsulated into a class. When a problem occurs, it will create an exception class object and throw exception rela ...

Added by jthomp7 on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 07:39:26 +0200

Python concurrent programming - IO model, blocking IO, non blocking IO, multiplexing, asynchronous IO, IO model comparison, selectors module, review network and concurrency knowledge points

Daily test Brief description of deadlock Which queues have you used This paper expounds the concept and basic use of process pool and thread pool What is a collaborative process and how to implement it simply summary """ Multithreading under multi process Reuse process under multithreading Maximum length can improve the efficiency ...

Added by nels on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 06:24:42 +0200

[series of basic Java tutorials] Chapter 13 detailed explanation of Java Object class, String class, StringBuffer and StringBuilder (including principle analysis)

1, Object class 1.1 overview of object class Package: Java lang Class definition: public class Object Class Object is the root class of class hierarchy. Each class uses Object as superclass. All objects (including arrays) implement the methods of this class. Why define a hierarchy root class? Java believes that all objects have some basic ...

Added by mwkemo on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 05:27:16 +0200