Why does Alibaba prohibit MyBatis from batch inserting thousands of data and using foreach

1. Method foreach batch insert Because the code of the project cannot be leaked. The following is the simulated code. <insert id="batchInsert" parameterType="java.util.List"> insert into USER (id, name) values <foreach collection="list" item="model" index="index" separator=","> (#{model.id}, #{model.name}) &lt ...

Added by PTS on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 08:50:16 +0200

python tips003 -- collapse of DataLoader_ FN parameter usage details

background Recently, I was looking at the source code of sensors transformers and found a data loader in a module collate_ FN, I didn't understand what it meant at that time. Later, I checked it and found it very interesting, so let's share it. dataloader dataloader must know that it provides an iterator for data. Basic working mechanism: ...

Added by andygrant on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 03:29:17 +0200

Practice learning the basics of batch files (. bat)

target Through practice, learn the basic writing method of bat file. Main reference tutorials: http://www.trytoprogram.com/batch-file/ https://www.tutorialspoint.com/batch_script/index.htm 0. First bat file Open a text editor and enter the following text: @echo off echo Hello bat pause Save it as a suffix bat file. Just double click the ...

Added by toivo on Wed, 29 Dec 2021 05:04:21 +0200

MyBatis source code analysis - plug-in related

In this article, I will introduce the source code of the plug-in. The MyBatis plug-in is a good function, similar to Spring's Aop, so that our users can operate SQL flexibly at specific points of the process. Allow me to quote an online introduction because I think it is well summarized: MyBatis allows us to intercept and call a certain point ...

Added by jtgraphic on Wed, 15 Dec 2021 22:22:13 +0200

Batch | test tool | LAN speed test / network upload and download speed test

Batch processing to achieve LAN speed test / network upload and download speed test It is used to detect the transmission speed of WIFI module / wired network card / RJ45 or LAN --- Iperf is a network performance testing tool. Iperf can test the maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth performance. Iperf has a variety of parameters and UDP characterist ...

Added by tet3828 on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 00:09:12 +0200

Python's Flask routing and blueprint

1. Routing @app.route('/index') def index(): return "hello world" 1.1 query routing information Command line mode Note: at least flag must be specified_ App environment variables >flask routes Endpoint Methods Rule -------- ------- ----------------------- index GET /index static GET /static/<path:filena ...

Added by auamy on Tue, 30 Nov 2021 12:11:48 +0200

lstm token classification model code parsing (pass batch data directly, test pad and pack_padded, pad_packed three functions)

lstm token classification model code parsing Code reference to teacher Che Wanxiang's <plm-nlp-code/chp4/lstm_postag.py > You need to copy the entire folder to install nltk code to run properly import nltk nltk.download() #Select to install all 1. Loading data import torch from torch import nn, optim from torch.nn import functio ...

Added by jwagner on Tue, 09 Nov 2021 19:01:14 +0200