Homebrew installation and use

Homebrew installation and use Homebrew installation Enter the following command on the Mac terminal and wait for the installation to complete /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" Error after installing homebrew - bash: brew: command not found solution In fact, solving this probl ...

Added by stebut05 on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 10:49:27 +0200

Three solutions of verification code recognition in Python crawler

In the process of Python crawler, some websites need to pass the verification code before entering the web page. The purpose is very simple, that is to distinguish between human reading and machine crawler. The problem of verification code seems simple. It is not easy to achieve high accuracy. In order to learn more about reptiles, the followin ...

Added by j05hr on Mon, 18 May 2020 11:41:05 +0300

brew installs mysql on Mac OS

I am trying to set up MySQL on Mac OS 10.6 using Homebrew through brew install mysql 5.1.52. All went well, and MySQL install dB was also successful. However, when I try to connect to the server using the following methods: /usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.1.52/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'mypass' I get: /usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.1.52/ ...

Added by freakuency on Fri, 13 Mar 2020 08:04:52 +0200

Mac development environment deployment

1. Install Xcode command line tools xcode-select --install 2. Install Homebrew Xcode Command Line Tools must be installed before installing Homebrew. Run the following command in terminal to install homebrew: ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" Next, we need to do one thing so that the sta ...

Added by Das Capitolin on Sun, 01 Mar 2020 08:51:58 +0200

Interpretation of new features | MySQL 8.0.19 supports DNS SRV

Reproduced from the public address: fun MySQL Author: Hong bin MySQL Router is the access portal of InnoDB Cluster architecture. In the architecture deployment, the official advice is to bind the router to the application side to avoid the router single point problem. Before that, there was a customer consultation about whether the router co ...

Added by mjgdunne on Wed, 12 Feb 2020 11:53:10 +0200

C#Thread Learning Note 8: Getting Started with async & await

1. Contents involved Async & await was introduced in C# 5.0, and the $symbol (stitched string) used for console output was introduced in C# 6.0, which functions like the string.Format() method. 2. Relations and differences among multi-threading, asynchronous and synchronous Kitchen case: For example, if you want to fry 5 dishes ABCDE, only ...

Added by blueman378 on Sat, 14 Dec 2019 10:41:47 +0200

Using vscode to build Golang development environment on Mac platform

This article introduces how to use visual studio code to build golang development environment and debug environment on Mac platform. 1. brew install golang # install brew install golang # Check whether the installation is successful $ go version go version go1.12.7 darwin/amd64 $ brew info go go: stable 1.13.3 (bottled), HEAD Open source progra ...

Added by Codewarrior123 on Tue, 29 Oct 2019 12:09:10 +0200

How to write elegant and durable JavaScript code

Preface In our normal work development, most of them are public projects developed by adults. When we develop code coding, we consider the readability, reusability and extensibility of code. Clean code is not only reliable in quality, but also lays a good foundation for later maintenance and upgrading. We will discuss from the following aspects ...

Added by sargus on Fri, 20 Sep 2019 10:03:54 +0300