5. Resolution of dubbo Request Protocol and Responder for Request or Response Data Processing

In the previous section, we analyzed service exposure. In this section, we analyzed how Dubbo handles consumer requests. Let's review the com.alibaba.dubbo.remoting.transport.netty4.NettyServer#doOpen method protected void com.alibaba.dubbo.remoting. ...

Added by scrypte on Fri, 13 Sep 2019 06:47:47 +0300

Netty Source Analysis--- ChannelPipeline

netty establishes the corresponding channel in the process of service-side port binding and new connection establishment. Closely related to the channel's action is the concept of pipeline, which appears to be a pipeline in which raw materials (byte stream) enter, are processed, and finally output. pipeline initialization In the previous arti ...

Added by alexguz79 on Mon, 09 Sep 2019 06:50:30 +0300

Okhttp3 Source Parsing-Interceptor RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor

Preface Review: Basic usage of Okhttp Okhttp3 Source Parsing (1)-OkHttpClient Analysis Okhttp3 Source Parsing (2)-Request Analysis Okhttp3 Source Parsing (3)-Call Analysis (Overall Process) Okhttp3 Source Parsing (4) - Interceptor and Design Mode The previous section talks about interceptors and design patterns, and today we talk about RetryAnd ...

Added by Dvorak on Thu, 29 Aug 2019 03:53:51 +0300

Flutter 58: Graphical Flutter Embedded in Native Android View Trial

Some time ago, I learned how Flutter interacts with native Android. It's an Android-based project and Flutter interacts as a Module. Today, I try to embed Native View in Flutter, and Android uses it. AndroidView iOS End Adoption UiKitView The side dish only learns the basic usage of Android View. Source code analysis const AndroidView({ Ke ...

Added by r-it on Mon, 26 Aug 2019 14:35:20 +0300

Mina Implements the Complete Process of Socket Communication

title: Mina server-side client communicationdate: 2018-09-30 09:00:30tags: - [mina] - [tcp] categories: - [Programming] permalink: zxh [TOC] The first two chapters have introduced the theory completely. Today we use these theories to implement the c/s communication of tcp protocol.First, let's briefly review the previous introduction.In mina, o ...

Added by kaos057 on Fri, 23 Aug 2019 05:30:04 +0300

Image Source Analysis of Flutter

This article has authorized the exclusive release of Wechat Public No. Jingdong Technology. Image Source Analysis of Flutter With the rapid development of the hardware level of mobile devices, users are increasingly demanding for the display of pi ...

Added by kind on Wed, 14 Aug 2019 10:02:37 +0300

Examples of tcp sticking and unpacking and solutions using LengthFieldFrameDecoder

What are sticking and unpacking?The TCP protocol is a byte stream protocol with no record boundary. When we receive a message, the packet that cannot be received artificially is an entire package message. When a client sends multiple message data to a server, the TCP protocol may combine multiple message data into a single packet for sending, w ...

Added by ericburnard on Sat, 10 Aug 2019 07:35:01 +0300

Picture Instances for Flutter Learning

1. Draw Path (Path path, Paint paint) Path has the following main methods: The method of directly describing a path can also be subdivided into two groups: adding subgraphics and drawing lines (straight lines or curves) addXXX() - Add subgraphics (since such method parameters are the same as the simple graphics described above, they will ...

Added by Paul1893 on Sun, 28 Jul 2019 21:41:45 +0300

ELK Building Learning Notes

ELK Construction Demand Background Business volume is huge and servers are more and more Need to centralize log management Why use ELK A complete centralized logging system needs to include the following points: 1. Collection - Ability to collect multiple types of logs 2. Transmission - ...

Added by daniel_mintz on Sun, 28 Jul 2019 15:00:43 +0300

Android Mobile Live Broadcast (IV) Android Media API

I. Articles Description Recently, I have been too busy to update my articles for a long time. I have received a lot of news from my friends to urge me to update them. I am really ashamed to update them when I am free today. The first article introduced Android mobile live broadcasting in general, and then two articles introduced video and audio ...

Added by nhanlee on Fri, 14 Jun 2019 02:26:41 +0300