Window Insets for Android Compose

Window Insets for Android Compose In addition to the content area of the app, some other fixed elements will be displayed on the mobile phone screen, including the status bar at the top, bangs, navigation bar at the bottom, and input method keyboard, They are the UI of the system, also known as Insets As shown in the figure: The status bar at ...

Added by dietkinnie on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 03:44:49 +0200

Jetpack All In Compose ? See the use of various jetpack libraries in compose

The main purpose of Jeptack Compose is to improve the development efficiency of UI layer, but a complete project needs the cooperation of logic layer and data layer. Fortunately, many component libraries in Jetpack have been adapted to Compose, and developers can use these Jetpack libraries to complete functions other than UI. Bloom is a Demo ...

Added by gregsmith on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 21:57:44 +0200

Jetpack Compose navigation animation

What is page navigation animation The page navigation animation of Compose is equivalent to the page switching animation in Activity, such as the animation entering when opening Activity and the animation exiting when closing Activity. All the navigation parts mentioned later refer to Compose navigation. Current situation of page navigation ...

Added by mistertylersmith on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 20:30:52 +0200