Spring boot blog system background login and interceptor configuration

The logic of login is very simple. You only need to make corresponding judgment according to the incoming user name and password and match the data in the database Basic realization 1. In the controller layer, first make a non empty judgment on the incoming user name and password, and then call the Se ...

Added by Nilpez on Wed, 05 Feb 2020 07:45:10 +0200

MyBatis Quick Start Add Delete Check

MyBatis Getting Started to CURD As a happy little farmer, we often repeat different versions at every stage, student management, user management, registered logins, from the console version of JavaSE, or GUI version, to the JSP version of JavaWeb, to the version that just uses HTML as a front-end presentation, and to a newer technology where w ...

Added by elindithas on Wed, 05 Feb 2020 05:35:58 +0200

Configuration and Failure Recovery of Redis Cluster

colony Redis still holds all the data in the cluster in master-slave replication mode, which limits the total data storage of the cluster to the server with the smallest memory. Additionally, scaling out Redis horizontally is cumbersome, and client fragmentation is often used to solve this problem, with the client deciding which node each key ...

Added by jkarr on Wed, 05 Feb 2020 02:48:30 +0200

SOCKET writes communication between client and server, connects Mysql database, and java realizes dynamic monitoring

See the detailed course design report and the source code of C and java Code cloud: https://gitee.com/xyy9/socket github: https://github.com/XYYhub/socket Build database skip C ා connect to database Need to add MySql.Data.dll reference connection database Code page adding using mysql.data.mysql clien ...

Added by pratheshshah on Mon, 03 Feb 2020 16:01:18 +0200

Redis: del/unlink command source code analysis

Redis (4): del/unlink command source code analysis Let's take a look at the deletion process in this article. For the client, the delete operation does not need to distinguish which data type, just del operation. Zero, delete definition of del command There are mainly two: del/unlink. The difference is that unlink is faster because it uses asyn ...

Added by Yamakazi on Sun, 02 Feb 2020 13:43:58 +0200

Qt Database - Display data in TableView

Qt Assistant Keyword: Presenting Data in a Table View Qt Version 5.14.0 The three classes QSqlQueryModel, QSqlTableModel and QSqlRelationalTableModel can be used as data sources for Qt View related display classes, such as QTableView, QListView and QTreeView.The most common should be the QTableView, because the resulting dataset of an SQL state ...

Added by LostOne on Sat, 01 Feb 2020 19:34:42 +0200

06 - Query - many to one, one to many (based on springboot2.0.3 + MySQL 5.7)

Reprint please indicate Original: https://me.csdn.net/jxysgzs 1, Necessary foreword In this article, we will talk about many to one and one to many queries in the query. The usage method in spring datajpa is very simple. It only needs one annotation to use. I believe you can understand it easily. Th ...

Added by kristianblom on Sat, 01 Feb 2020 13:15:39 +0200

Android references external database (1)

Android references external database (1) There is a ready-made database, which needs to be directly introduced into the project. Prepare for preparation Before we start, we need to confirm the table structure and field information of the existing database. (pay attention to the size of the database, which is useful lat ...

Added by pr0x on Fri, 31 Jan 2020 20:59:26 +0200

dblink remote database statistics expired

A CRM database system has been running a batch of SQL for 24 hours, which has not been completed The Problem SQL has been located. The table information and execution plan in SQL are as follows: SELECT t.CRM_DT, ...... ...... SUM(nvl(t.OUTSTD_AMT, 0) * T9.HL) AS amt, T7.CB_HOST_NO as CB_CUST_ID f ...

Added by system_critical on Fri, 31 Jan 2020 15:48:16 +0200

python web development - getting started with Django

Opening chapter Through the previous article python entry practice - student management system I practiced a bunch of python syntax. This article summarizes the introduction of Django as a web framework. The premise is to have relevant web development experience (Java, php, etc.). Because this article will not involve the concept of http protoc ...

Added by neex1233 on Fri, 31 Jan 2020 13:03:59 +0200