Application of axios class library

What is axios Axios Is an Ajax Library Based on promise encapsulation. The core is XMLHttpRequest, which can be used in browsers and node JS characteristic: Create XMLHttpRequests from the browserFrom node JS create http requestPromise API supportedIntercept requests and responsesConvert request data and response dataCancel requestAutoma ...

Added by Dlex on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 10:32:26 +0200

Native pop-up dialog with HTML5 < dialog > Tag

Dialog boxes and light boxes are widely used in websites and applications. Before that, they need to be customized - use a series of < div > to create containers, set the CSS of dialog boxes to center them, and use Javascript event handlers to show / hide mode boxes. Now, the browser has introduced a new < dialog > tab, which makes ...

Added by ntg on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 07:50:52 +0200

js Advanced Summary (Data Type Closure Prototype Chain Inheritance)

One: JS data type 1. Detailed JS raw and reference data types 1. Basic TypesBoolean . Boolean values, true and false.null .A special keyword indicating a null value. JavaScript is case sensitive, so null is completely different from null, NULL, or other variables.undefined . Properties when the variable is undefined.Number . Represents a numb ...

Added by psionicwrath on Sun, 06 Feb 2022 19:26:57 +0200

7 JavaScript Design Patterns

From: Micro reading It is appropriate for developers to use JavaScript Design Patterns as templates to solve problems, but it does not mean that these patterns can replace the work of developers. Through design patterns, we can combine the experience of many developers to construct cod ...

Added by DeltaRho2K on Sun, 06 Feb 2022 07:27:29 +0200

HTML Entry source code analysis

brief introductionFrom the birth reason of HTML Entry - > principle description - > practical application - > source code analysis, I will take you to analyze the HTML Entry framework in an all-round way.prefaceThe word HTML Entry may be unfamiliar to you. After all, what is HTML Entry on google? Can't find the right results. But if yo ...

Added by ram4nd on Sat, 05 Feb 2022 13:06:47 +0200

Just this time, I'll fix the closure for you. I see!

Environment and scope of function Understanding what is context and scope Environment, taking our life as an example, the environment is like our surrounding facilities, schools, supermarkets, pharmacies, parks, etc. various facilities constitute our living environment. Scope, as if these peripheral facilities can only serve the surroundi ...

Added by norbie on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 05:25:55 +0200

ES6 study notes

1,ES6 1.1. What is ES6 The programming language JavaScript is the implementation and extension of ECMAScript. ECMAScript is a syntax specification standardized by ECMA (a standards organization similar to W3C). ECMAScript defines: Language grammar – syntax parsing rules, keywords, statements, declarations, operators, etc. type – ...

Added by [PQ3]RogeR on Tue, 01 Feb 2022 13:20:52 +0200

Comprehensive understanding of class class in es6

In traditional javascript, there are only objects and no concept of classes. It is a prototype based object-oriented language. The characteristic of prototype object is to share its own properties with new objects. Compared with other traditional object-oriented languages, this writing method has a unique feeling! Very confusing! If you want to ...

Added by vickytam on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 11:41:23 +0200

JavaScript Advanced Programming -- String type

The common primitive types of ECMAScript are String type. We can declare a String directly through literal quantity var str = 'hello world!' str.length //12 str.charAt(2) //l The original type of data itself is not an object, so there should be no properties and methods, but the original value of String type can refer to some methods It can ...

Added by pankirk on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 03:24:46 +0200

In depth analysis of webpack

background   When it comes to building tools, I often add the word "automation" before it, because building tools are used to make us stop doing mechanical things and liberate our hands. What is front-end automation? The code that front-end engineers need to maintain is extremely huge and complex, and the processes of code maintena ...

Added by lj11 on Sun, 30 Jan 2022 14:59:24 +0200