Step on the pit to decrypt wechat applet login authorization to obtain mobile phone number

Decrypt wechat applet login authorization to obtain mobile phone number according to Official documents Wechat applet process: According to the interpretation of the official encryption data decryption algorithm: 1. The algorithm used for symmetric decryption is AES-128-CBC, and the data is PKCS#7 filled. 2. The target ciphertext of symme ...

Added by galmar on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 14:19:19 +0200

Implementing Api interface encrypted communication with java

Interface encryption communication idea: 1) Agree on the secret key for communication between both parties, such as appKey = wenzhou 2) Communication security verification passed sign ature  1. Generate timestamp, random number or random string, etc., such as timestamp: time=677899002   2. The communication secret key, time stamp ...

Added by Paul Arnold on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 15:53:08 +0200

Bundle encryption prevents AssetStudio from acquiring assets

Students who have done Unity bundle resources know that AssetStudio can easily crack the bundle and obtain the original resources in the project. In order to prevent their project resources from being easily obtained by others, AssetStudio has studied the following feasible bundle encryption scheme on the Internet. The following two methods are ...

Added by doctor_james on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 05:10:36 +0200

Cryptography: encryption mode and padding mode and message digest

catalogue Encryption mode ECB CBC Fill mode NoPadding PKCS5Padding Tips Message summary characteristic Get string message summary base64 encoding Other digital summarization algorithms Get file message summary Encryption mode Encryption mode: ECB ECB: electroni ...

Added by gevensen on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 23:44:42 +0200

Cryptography: asymmetric encryption

catalogue Asymmetric encryption Generate public and private keys Private key encryption Private key encryption private key decryption Private key encryption public key decryption Public key encryption and public key decryption Save public and private keys Read private key Read public key Asymmetric encryption Introduction: ① Asymme ...

Added by hamboy on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 06:43:40 +0200

c# encryption: IV. public key encryption and signature

1, Public key encryption 1. Overview Public key encryption is asymmetric, so different keys are required for encryption and decryption. The key of symmetric encryption can be a string of arbitrary bytes with appropriate length. However, asymmetric encryption requires a pair of keys. This key pair contains a public key and a private key. Toge ...

Added by jrws on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 09:27:03 +0200

. Net encryption and decryption component tool class system Security. Cryptography. Algorith

Yes Before the emergence of the. NET Framework, if we need encryption, we only have a variety of lower level technologies to choose from, such as Microsoft Crypto API, Crypto + +, Openssl, etc., and its usage is quite complex. And in NET Framework, these complex contents (the original independent API and SDK) have been encapsulated and merged i ...

Added by jdesilva on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 01:20:05 +0200

Introduction to encryption and decryption

Encryption and decryption is nothing more than ensuring data security. Three problems need to be solved to ensure data security: Confidentiality, integrity, authentication (anti forgery and denial) Confidentiality: the transmission content is not in clear text. Even if the data is intercepted by the outside world, it cannot be interprete ...

Added by genie on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 23:12:54 +0200

Deep understanding of DRM - MediaDRM and MediaCrypto

How MediaDRM Works? Next, take ExoPlayer code as an example to introduce MediaDRM used in Widevine Modular. To sum up, there are the following steps Step1. Create MeidaDRM instance based on UUIDStep2.Open SessionStep3. Add keys: getKeyRequest and provideKeyResponse of mediadrmStep4. Create a MediaCrypto object and register it in MediaC ...

Added by busnut on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 04:47:05 +0200

Password cracking and HASH computing

Password cracking 1. Introduction to password cracking ·Manual guessing Trash can project, passive information collection ·Dictionary based brute force cracking (mainstream) ·Keyboard space character explosion ·Dictionary Text file with user name and password (kali's own dictionary) -/usr/share/wordlist -/us ...

Added by sager29 on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 20:19:24 +0200