The Use of yii2-girdView: The Use of DateRange Picker

Use scenarios: filter data by date Following are common code blocks for individuals: <?php use yii\helpers\Html; use kartik\grid\GridView; $visible ? $url = 'awards' : $url = 'index'; ?> <div class="awards-record-index"> <?= GridView::widget([ 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, ' ...

Added by KYarb on Sat, 05 Oct 2019 12:34:20 +0300

Using EasyPoi to export a large amount of data to Excel

Using EasyPoi to export a large amount of data to Excel This project is managed by maven. The dependencies of EasyPoi in the pom file are: <! - easypoi dependence - > The role of easypoi parent package is well known to all. 2.easypoi-annotation basic annotation package, whi ...

Added by dabas on Thu, 03 Oct 2019 12:23:41 +0300

Using openpyxl to read and write excel files

Article directory 1, configuration 2. Installation module: 3. Reading and writing: Note 1: Note 2: 3. demo code: 4. Read all rows under all worksheets of an Excel table 5. Merge all worksheets under an Excel table (or merge multiple Excel tables ...

Added by marinedalek on Tue, 17 Sep 2019 07:29:22 +0300

Small program exports data to excel table, and realizes Excel data preservation with the help of cloud development background

In the process of developing small programs, we may have the requirement of exporting batch data from our cloud database to excel tables. If writing directly in the applet is not possible, so we need to use the cloud development function of the appl ...

Added by azazelis on Sat, 07 Sep 2019 14:21:27 +0300

Java uses COM components to convert Excel into HTML or PDF documents

Business requirements are as follows: 1. Convert Excel uploaded by users to HTML for page display (Excel document format is optional) 2. Convert Excel uploaded by users to PDF for download (no page change, only on one PDF) In response to the a ...

Added by webbnino on Sat, 07 Sep 2019 11:32:07 +0300

Solution of Exporting Million Level Data to excel Using POI

1. The difference between HSSF Workbook and SXSSF Workbook HSSF Workbook: A version of Excel 2003 (including 2003) with an extension of. xls. A table supports up to 65536 rows of data, 256 columns, that is, a sheet page, which can export up to 6 weeks of data. XSSF Workbook: Operates Excel 2007-2010 version with the extension. xlsx uses diffe ...

Added by wit77 on Tue, 27 Aug 2019 14:42:43 +0300

Summary of Dynamic Programming Examples

I. 01 knapsack problemTitle Description: There are n items with wi and vi weight and value respectively. From these items, items with total weight not exceeding W are selected, and the maximum value of the total value in all the selection schemes is ...

Added by SkillsToShow on Thu, 22 Aug 2019 14:35:59 +0300

C # Implements 20 lines of code online preview documents (word, excel, pdf, txt, png) based on NPOI+Office COM component

Because of the need of the project, we need an online preview of office function. The editorial started with the method provided by Microsoft, which is simple and fast, but does not meet the development needs of the editorial. Another way is to convert the file into an html file and preview the html file. Small partners interested in Microsoft ...

Added by Arab Prince on Thu, 15 Aug 2019 11:50:50 +0300

Processing of special characters such as line breaks in ArcGIS attributes

In data processing, it is often necessary to associate the related attributes in Excel with spatial data. The data format in Excel is relatively free. Sometimes the data in Excel table contains special symbols such as line breaks. When the data c ...

Added by madcat on Wed, 14 Aug 2019 16:08:07 +0300

Notes on Extended Use of php-ext-excel-export

Business Background In PHP environment, the export function is optimized and transformed, and the single synchronous export data volume is more than 20,000. PHP 5.6 + PHPExcel. This time PHP 7.2 + php-ext-excel-export was replaced by PHP 5.6 + PHPExcel. Official github address Extended installation ...

Added by Lodius2000 on Sun, 21 Jul 2019 05:06:25 +0300