[satisfied] it is very convenient for enterprise developed workflow platform - learning and reference - integrating distributed projects

WeChat official account SteveCode reply: flowable can get source code. yqmm-flowable Deployment and operation of flowable UI Download flowable-6.6.0 from the official website: https://github.com/flowable/flowable-engine/releases/download/flowable-6.6.0/flowable-6.6.0.zip Compress the flowable-6.6.0 \ wars \ flowable UI in the package War dr ...

Added by dannon on Sun, 06 Feb 2022 22:25:25 +0200

How to realize countersignature based on camunda: process configuration and principle analysis of camunda countersignature

  1, Background The famous open source process engines in the market include osworkflow, jbpm, activiti, flowable and camunda. Because jbpm, activiti and flowable process engines appeared earlier and are widely used by domestic people, we don't know much about camunda process engine. In fact, camunda is better than jbpm, activiti and flowable ...

Added by Scip on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 16:27:44 +0200

Camunda call external sub process (Call Activity) example

Camunda subprocesses can be implemented in two ways: Embedded Subprocess and Call Activity. The following describes the implementation of camunda external sub process (Call Activity). Through examples, it introduces how the main process initiates the sub process and how the variables between the main sub processes are transferred. 1, What is ...

Added by Rangana on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 06:34:04 +0200

Flowable getting started series 76 - identity management

Starting from Flowable V6, identity management (IDM) components have been extracted from the process engine module, and logic has been moved to several separate modules: Flowable IDM API, Flowable IDM engine, Flowable IDM spring and Flowable IDM engine configuration. The main reason for separating IDM logic is that it is not the core of the Flo ...

Added by caaronbeasley on Sun, 05 Dec 2021 06:38:11 +0200

Flowable getting started series article 68 - form properties

All information related to the business process is contained in the process variable itself or referenced through the process variable. Flowable supports storing complex Java objects as process variables, such as Serializable objects, JPA entities or entire XML document strings. Starting the process and completing user tasks are where people p ...

Added by mwaw on Sat, 27 Nov 2021 05:27:18 +0200

Flowable getting started series Article 44 - Java service tasks

1. Description The Java service task is used to call external Java classes. 2. Graphical representation The service task is visualized as a rounded rectangle with a pinion icon in the upper left corner. 3. XML representation There are four ways to declare how to invoke Java logic: Specifies the class that implements JavaDelegate or Activ ...

Added by tronicsmasta on Sat, 30 Oct 2021 19:58:26 +0300

Challenge the most complete workflow document in the whole network, and take you to master all business concepts of flowable workflow

1. What is workflow approval According to my understanding, it is approval process management. 2. What is flowable 1. Official interpretation The official explanation is as follows: The Flowable project provides a core set of open source business process engines that are compact and efficient. They provide a workflow and business proces ...

Added by wildmalc on Tue, 12 Oct 2021 04:17:43 +0300

Flowable getting started series article 15 - integrating Spring 02

1. Expression When using ProcessEngineFactoryBean, by default, all expressions in the BPMN process will also see all spring beans. You can use configurable mappings to limit the beans (or even none) to be displayed in expressions. The following example discloses a single bean (printer), which can be used under the "printer" key. In o ...

Added by Syto on Wed, 06 Oct 2021 03:24:12 +0300