Use CodeMirror to build the IDE used by data scientists

1. Introduction to codemirrorCodeMirror is a general text editor implemented with JavaScript. It is specially used for code editing. It has built-in multiple development language modes and plug-ins, and supports code highlighting, automatic completion, search, shortcut keys, etc.CodeMirror is an open source project licensed by MIT. At present, ...

Added by keyur.delhi on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 12:50:48 +0200

Vue3 learning notes

catalogue Source code organization Composition API option api option api demo composition api (function based API) compostion api demo Performance improvement Responsive system upgrade Compilation optimization Source code volume optimization Vite ES Module Vite as Vue-cli Vite features Packaging method Vite create project Sour ...

Added by Codein on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 12:35:34 +0200

NPM nodejs and webpack installation

nodejs and npm 1, First, let's talk about node What is JS? node.js is the running environment of JavaScript. It is not a js file. In essence, it is the encapsulation of Chrome V8 engine. node.js is a development platform that enables JavaScript to run on the server, and makes it a scripting language with the same status as the server la ...

Added by Kyrillos on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 11:48:23 +0200

The idea of using JavaScript to realize the automatic praise tool in the comment area of station B

What is JavaScript? JavaScript is a cross platform, object-oriented Web programming scripting language. Most websites use JavaScript, and all modern Web browsers (whether desktop, tablet or mobile browsers) contain JavaScript interpreters, which makes JavaScript the most widely deployed programming language in history. Over the past decade, No ...

Added by ntjang on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 09:55:48 +0200

Learn axios must know and be able ~ basic use of axios, must know details before using axios, differences between axios and instance objects, interceptors and cancellation requests

Python wechat ordering applet course video Python practical quantitative transaction financial management system 1, Basic usage of axios: ✿ details before using axios: 1. The axios function object can be used as an axios(config) function to send requests, or ...

Added by ybinds on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 08:06:16 +0200

Common methods of front-end optimization

Reduce http requests Avoid multiple requests for small resources. You can combine multiple resources into one resource, such as js, because sending network requests is time-consumingcss is placed at the head and js is placed at the bottom of the body It helps to render the page faster. css will block the execution of js, because js will be exec ...

Added by Scropion on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 06:05:05 +0200

How to write markdown it plug-in

prefacestay A blog with VuePress + Github Pages In, we used VuePress to build a blog. The final effect is as follows: TypeScript Chinese document. In the process of building a blog, out of practical needs, we VuePress blog Optimization: extended Markdown syntax How to write a markdown it plug-in is explained in Analysis of markdown it principle ...

Added by nonaguy on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 04:35:02 +0200

js basic problems

JS 1.this pointing problem this points to a deeper understanding of the address (1) Function call, this points to its caller function foo() { console.log(; } var bar = "bar1"; var o2 = {bar: "bar2", foo: foo}; var o3 = {bar: "bar3", foo: foo}; foo(); // bar1; // bar2; // bar3 (2 ...

Added by Txtlocal on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 01:31:36 +0200

Methods of manipulating arrays in Js

The latest front-end interview question in 2021 (operation method of array in Js) preface Tip: how to count arrays in JS This paper aims at the problems of operating array related methods in the process of front-end interview I don't know if there are any friends who often confuse the methods of operating arrays like me, or are not very ...

Added by jayjay960 on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 23:26:15 +0200

JavaScript learning notes

1, Array 1.1 concept of array An array is a collection of data, each of which is called an element. Any type of element can be stored in the array. Arrays are an elegant way to store a set of data under a single variable name. 1.2 creating arrays 1. Create an array with new var array name = new Array(); var arr  =  new&nbsp ...

Added by bigrossco on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 17:25:27 +0200