Service gateway

Role of gateway Performance: API high availability, load balancing, fault tolerance mechanism Security: authority, identity authentication, desensitization, traffic cleaning, back-end signature (to ensure the trusted call of the whole link), blacklist (restriction of illegal call) Log: log recording. Once distributed is involved, full link t ...

Added by Manat on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 01:43:12 +0200

The use of Gateway gateway is not standardized, and two lines are required~

Spring cloud gateway is a gateway product that replaces zuul. It is based on Spring 5, Spring boot 2.0 and above, and Reactor, and provides arbitrary routing matching, assertion, and filtering functions. The author's previous system also used Spring cloud gateway as the gateway for background application access. The version information adopted ...

Added by Joopy on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 12:34:49 +0200

[Spring Cloud Gateway] learning notes

1, Introduction Zuul 2. In May 2019, Netflix finally opened the zuul 2.0 version that supports asynchronous call mode, which can be said to be called for thousands of times. But Spring Cloud no longer integrates zuul2 X, then it's time to learn about Spring Cloud Gateway Spring Cloud Gateway is an API gateway built on the spring ecosystem ...

Added by Heavy on Sun, 16 Jan 2022 10:44:04 +0200

GateWay gateway of spring cloudalibaba project

SpringCloudAlibaba essay directory I SpringCloudAlibaba is the father of the project II Nacos building and service registration of spring cloud Alibaba project III Producers and consumers of spring cloud Alibaba project IV Ribbon load balancing of spring cloud Alibaba project V OpenFeign remote call of spring cloudalibaba project Vi Nacos confi ...

Added by benwilhelm on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 04:35:30 +0200

Spring Cloud Alibaba: Gateway's routing filter factory

In the previous blog, the blogger introduced some of the Gateway's routing filter factories: Spring Cloud Alibaba: Gateway's routing filter factory (I) Construction works One parent module and two child modules (server module provides services and gateway module implements gateway). POM of parent module xml: <?xml version="1.0" encodin ...

Added by mhouldridge on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 19:11:37 +0200

SpringCloud microservice Gateway

1, Introduction to Gateway (1) Official website: (2) Introduction to the official website: Gateway is an API gateway service built on the Spring ecosystem and is based on technologies such as Spring 5, Spring Boot 2 and Project Reactor. Gateway aims ...

Added by drunkencelt on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 12:11:49 +0200

SpringCloud Quick Start - GateWay Service GateWay

Preface What if we don't want all requests to have access to our services? Thus, this component, Gateway Gateway, is the unified gateway to all our micro services Its core functions are as follows: Privilege control: Gateway as a micro-service entry, needs to verify whether the user is eligible for requests, and if not interceptsRouting and ...

Added by edawson003 on Mon, 13 Dec 2021 19:01:41 +0200

Implement. NET gateway through Kong in 30 minutes

What is Kong Openretry is a high-performance platform based on nginx and Lua, with a large number of lua libraries inside. Where ngx_lua_moudule enables developers to call nginx modules using Lua scripts. Kong is an openretry program, which runs on nginx and extends nginx with Lua. Therefore, it can be considered that Kong = openretry + nginx + ...

Added by artech on Wed, 03 Nov 2021 02:01:49 +0200

Spring Cloud(2020.0.3) | from entry to soil - 22. Gateway filter factory

1, Gateway filter chain We saw a picture when we first introduced Gateway. Now let's take a look.   In the last two blogs, we talked about Gateway Handler Mapping. Next, we want to talk about the whole Filter chain. !!! Here, the Filter in the Gateway is not the same as the Filter in our Servlet 2, Gateway filter There are many built ...

Added by gazalec on Thu, 14 Oct 2021 05:29:32 +0300

Apache APIs IX provides KubeSphere with better gateway and K8S Ingress Controller

Introduction to KubeSphere KubeSphere is a cloud oriented native application system built on Kubernetes. IT is completely open source, supports multi cloud and multi cluster management, provides full stack IT automatic operation and maintenance capability, and simplifies the DevOps workflow of enterprises. Its architecture makes IT very conven ...

Added by fredouille on Fri, 17 Sep 2021 14:04:08 +0300