. net mvc + Dapper instance

brief introduction This article is a learning instance of. net mvc + Dapper. There is a link to the source code of the instance. Why write this article Because I don't like EF's bloated and Linq's awkward, I used my own lightweight orm in previous projects. In thinking about and drawing on other ORM frameworks, Dapper found ...

Added by SteveFrost on Tue, 26 Nov 2019 22:15:59 +0200

Remedy for Git multi remote warehouse out of sync

git local warehouse can be associated with multiple remote warehouses. If you want to know how to configure it, please refer to How Git manages code using multiple managed platforms . When git remote is associated with multiple remote warehouses, there are always some problems. Today, there are two remote warehouses that are inconsistent and c ...

Added by edg322 on Tue, 19 Nov 2019 20:03:36 +0200

Function coerce of JavaScript

Quotation Recently, when reading the technology blog in the community, I came across several words of function currification, and also asked to write js function currification. I thought what kind of advanced thing is currification? Never heard of it? Then we set out with problems, went to study specially, and made some arrangement. What is fun ...

Added by aldernon on Tue, 19 Nov 2019 13:29:27 +0200

Compile OpenCV with CUDA support on windows 10

This article starts from personal blog https://kezunlin.me/post/6580691f/ Welcome to read! compile opencv with CUDA support on windows 10 Series Part 1: compile opencv on ubuntu 16.04 Part 2: compile opencv with CUDA support on windows 10 Part 3: opencv mat for loop Part 4: speed up opencv image processing with openmp Guide requirements: win ...

Added by nerotic on Mon, 18 Nov 2019 04:52:14 +0200

Summary analysis of queue and stack of data structure

1. Preface: Queues and stacks are also two common data structures in the data structure. Queues and stacks are also complementary in the actual use scenarios. Here is a brief summary, if there are any differences, point more, thank you. 2. Introduction to Queues Queues, as its name implies, means queuing. According to our real life, queuing ...

Added by minou on Sat, 16 Nov 2019 19:57:53 +0200

[30 swift projects in 30 days] swift 5 learning 01.CustomFont

In the 01.CustomFont project, the main learning is the installation and use of SnapKit, the automatic layout library. 1.SnapKit installation The content of Podfile is as follows: source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git' platform :ios, '10.0' use_frameworks! target 'CustomFont' do pod 'SnapKit' end Locate the directory of Pod ...

Added by sanlove on Tue, 12 Nov 2019 18:39:40 +0200

grpc - use golang to take you through a set of RPC services

Next, PHP is used as the client to call the server of golang. Install the grpc go plugin The grpc PHP plugin can help us to automatically generate the client stub class library (equivalent to the API file), which is convenient for us to introduce and call directly. Otherwise, it is not convenient to only generate the entity class of service / r ...

Added by starphp on Sat, 09 Nov 2019 00:01:02 +0200

GIT learning notes

System version: CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810ip: git installation (1) //Dependency library installation 2. # yum install curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel 3. # yum install gcc perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker //Uninstall the older version of Git 4. # yum remove git //Download the new version of git source pack ...

Added by lovely on Thu, 31 Oct 2019 11:57:20 +0200

Using vscode to build Golang development environment on Mac platform

This article introduces how to use visual studio code to build golang development environment and debug environment on Mac platform. 1. brew install golang # install brew install golang # Check whether the installation is successful $ go version go version go1.12.7 darwin/amd64 $ brew info go go: stable 1.13.3 (bottled), HEAD Open source progra ...

Added by Codewarrior123 on Tue, 29 Oct 2019 12:09:10 +0200

Advanced Git application

Git advanced (2) =============================================================================== Summary: =============================================================================== Git bifurcation 1. Branch naming rules and common commands master is the latest commit to the specified branch. Dev is the latest commit to the dev branch; ...

Added by jamiet757 on Mon, 28 Oct 2019 21:36:25 +0200