GNN learning notes: graph feature learning method based on graph neural network

In this article, we will learn the graph feature learning method based on graph neural network. Graph feature learning requires generating a vector as the representation of the graph according to the node attributes, edges and edge attributes (if any). Based on graph representation, we can predict the graph. The graph representation network ba ...

Added by blakey on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 17:21:51 +0200

DataWhale teamed up to learn GNN task6

DataWhale teamed up to learn GNN task6 Reference:[ DataWhale GNN learning materials],What are weisfeiler Lehman (WL) algorithm and WL Test- Zhihu (,Weisfeiler Leman test and WL subtree kernel_kingloon blog - CSDN blog Graph eigen learning of graph isomorphic networks Implementation of graph representation network based on graph iso ...

Added by grandadevans on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 04:47:48 +0200