Put up your sleeves and teach you to do a front-end monitoring system

I remember in my last company, a big man made a monitoring system, bullying, really want to study how he did it. Of course, we are not people who pat their heads to work. We can't do what others do. Now let's introduce the benefits of such a platform. background First, why do we do the front-end system? Looking at the ...

Added by shenmue232 on Fri, 17 May 2019 05:52:49 +0300

Python's 22 programming skills, please accept!

1. Exchange two digits in situ Python provides an intuitive way to assign and exchange (variable values) in a single line of code. See the following example: x,y= 10,20 print(x,y) x,y= y,x print(x,y) #1 (10, 20) #2 (20, 10) A new tuple is formed on the right side of the assignment and unpack on the left side to the variables < a > and & ...

Added by jdeer0618 on Fri, 17 May 2019 05:37:59 +0300

Android Mock-up Wechat applet drop-down bar

Author: Bighead Link: https://juejin.im/post/5a4c90c15188257c4d1b8d0c This article is authorized by the author. Last week, Wechat upgraded to version 6.6.1, adding the Wechat game. The circle of friends is playing and dancing. And now Wechat has put the recently used widgets on the top of the home page, which can be acc ...

Added by 4rxsid on Fri, 17 May 2019 02:52:13 +0300

[Cluster monitoring] Using Prometheus + grafana + node-exporter

Framework principle Introduction to Prometheus Prometheus (Chinese name: Prometheus) is an open source monitoring and alarm system and time series database (TSDB) developed by SoundCloud. Prometheus has been adopted by many companies and organizations since 2012, and the project has a very active developer and user communit ...

Added by trrobnett on Thu, 16 May 2019 17:13:01 +0300

Android Development Notes-Serial Communication

This is a simple demo written with reference to the open source project on Google's official website and the serial communication on the Internet. Just contacted NDK programming and serial communication, maybe a lot of writing is not very good, do not like spraying. Most of the code is in this Google serial open source project: https://code.g ...

Added by RTT on Thu, 16 May 2019 10:14:52 +0300

Tensorflow Learning Notes —— Traffic Sign Recognition

Tensorflow Notes: Traffic Sign Recognition The content of this blog is: BlackWalnut Labs complete Traffic Sign Recognition Experiment Learning Notes The main part is BlackWalnut Labs The process of the experiment is introduced, and a few of my own experience in the process of the experiment, so as a blog post reprinted from B ...

Added by madonnazz on Wed, 15 May 2019 04:19:00 +0300

Seenium Start Chrome Configuration Parameters Problem

Every time selenium starts chrome browser, Chrome browser is clean, no plug-ins, no collection, no history. This is because selenium starts a naked browser to ensure the fastest running efficiency when starting chrome. That's why it needs to configure parameters, but sometimes we need more than a naked browser. The selenium startup configuratio ...

Added by eruiz1973 on Tue, 14 May 2019 21:25:04 +0300

Eclipse android project to android studio

The old project of the former company was developed with eclipse. Although android studio has been out for a long time, it has been trying to avoid some problems in migration, but recently Google has asked that android projects be compiled with android 8.0. Then it is found that eclipse+ADT no longer supports jdk 1.8 and androi ...

Added by lajocar on Tue, 14 May 2019 19:19:56 +0300