kube-proxy source code analysis

kubernetes Off-line Installation Package, only three steps kube-proxy source code parsing ipvs has higher performance and stability than iptables mode. This paper focuses on the source code analysis of iptables mode. If you want to understand the principle of iptables mode, you can refer to its implementation. There is no difference in archit ...

Added by mattyj10 on Wed, 07 Aug 2019 09:56:44 +0300

What Docker Networks and iptables have to say

Docker Network Model Docker has multiple network modes, including host, none,bridge Overay and so on. Next, we discuss the relationship between Docker network and iptables with Docker's default bridge network, Docker 0. Docker 0 network is a virtual bridge network built by Docker. The default gateway address is Docker's default net ...

Added by grilldor on Sun, 16 Jun 2019 04:25:56 +0300

Training Note _ch13_Use Bind to Provide Domain Name Resolution Service

Training Note _ch13_Use Bind to Provide Domain Name Resolution Service At the end of the article, you will post your notebook photos. The main contents of the article are as follows: DNS domain name resolution service Install and deploy the Bind service program Deployment of slave servers Secure Encrypted Transmission Deployment of Cac ...

Added by oscardog on Sun, 09 Jun 2019 00:04:02 +0300

This article is from the blog of Silent Wang Er, reprinting must indicate the source.Technical Exchange Group 120926808

Linux install MySQL. 1. Installation Files mysql website I can't find how to download it.So, I upload to Baidu cloud for everyone Free Download. 2. Installation 1. Upload Files Use linux The sz and rz commands of can be uploaded, or can be uploaded using the filezila tool. After uploading, see the following file: ( ...

Added by ReDucTor on Thu, 06 Jun 2019 19:49:59 +0300

Server Deployment NODE Project

1. premise 1.1 The NODE environment has been built on the server, if not, you can refer to me. The previous blog Build. Because this blog is in The previous blog If there is any obscurity, you can read the previous blog first. 1.2 A NODE project has been written. 2. deployment 2.1 Because I use PM2 for process management, I first write the PM2 ...

Added by dannyone on Thu, 16 May 2019 23:27:20 +0300

Python 3 Flask+nginx+Gunicorn deployment (below)

If you haven't seen the last article, please click here first. Python 3 Flask+nginx+Gunicorn Deployment (Part I) Continue with the previous article, in which we have run and installed gunicorn and nginx. In this article, we need to bind the nginx and gunicorn ports. In the last article, we've run gunicorn Guicorn-w 4-b 1 ...

Added by Sulphy on Thu, 16 May 2019 13:43:29 +0300

CDH Installation Documentation

1. Installation environment CentOS 6.8 Virtual Machine Three 1G per memory 50G per hard disk 2. Installation packages required CDH5.9.0 Installation Package Files included: Parcel contains files: Files included in rpms: Before you start the installation below, make sure the number of files is correct 3. Installation steps First, ...

Added by robman2100 on Wed, 15 May 2019 09:27:31 +0300