WPF learning notes: AvalonEdit code highlight editing control topic

Python wechat ordering applet course video https://edu.csdn.net/course/detail/36074 Python practical quantitative transaction financial management system https://edu.csdn.net/course/detail/35475 AvalonEdit Is a WPF based text editor component. It is made by Daniel Grunwald by SharpDevelop Written. Starting with version 5.0, AvalonEdit is rel ...

Added by l!m!t on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 01:47:27 +0200

Exclusive hard goods: appium2 0 + new solutions for single touch and multi touch

♥ preface At appium2 Before 0, the touch screen operation on mobile devices, single finger touch screen and multi finger touch screen were implemented by TouchAction class and multi action class respectively. At appium2 After 0, these 2 methods will be discarded. "[Deprecated] 'TouchAction' action is deprecated. Please use W3C actio ...

Added by WesPear on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 17:43:35 +0200

JMeter usage problem: store interface return variables as csv files

When JMeter is used for interface testing, there are tests of multiple threads and interfaces in the whole jmx test plan. However, interfaces can be classified, such as business interface, query interface, update interface, etc. Considering that the automatic interface test is generally one-time and has a complete closed-loop link, the genera ...

Added by CNibbana on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 20:44:14 +0200

Vue3.0 Getting Started tutorial

  Refer to video tutorial materials:  Vue3 master a complete knowledge system from introduction to actual combat:http://www.notescloud.top/goods/detail/1189   WeChat share and pay special courses (official account applet) (cloud):http://www.notescloud.top/goods/detail/1198   Vue family bucket independently develops enterprise e-commerce sys ...

Added by mahakmx on Sun, 26 Dec 2021 10:36:52 +0200

Principle analysis of [Androidj advanced] Handler mechanism

Handler is an asynchronous callback mechanism provided in Android, which can also be understood as a message mechanism between threads. In order to avoid ANR, we usually put some time-consuming operations (such as network request, I/O operation, complex calculation, etc.) into the sub thread for execution. When the sub thread needs to modify th ...

Added by hucklebezzer on Tue, 07 Dec 2021 20:27:07 +0200

A preliminary study on Cypress, a new upstart in Web automated testing

Recently, I wanted to learn about the web ui testing framework and found that cypress is easy to use. It is more convenient and faster to operate directly with js 01 development environment Cypress + nodejs (node has been installed before and can be downloaded and installed directly from the official website) + intellij idea 1. Install cypr ...

Added by Monshery on Wed, 01 Dec 2021 18:11:39 +0200

Interface automation test (Python+Requests+Unittest)

(1) The significance of interface automation test and the idea of separation of front and back ends Advantages and disadvantages of interface automation test: advantage: 1. Test reusability. 2. The maintenance cost is lower than that of UI automation. Why? UI Higher automated maintenance costs? Because the front page changes too fas ...

Added by mikeatrpi on Wed, 29 Sep 2021 23:25:54 +0300