Form form submission using ajax method (with source code)

Written in front When using form form form, once clicking submit triggers submit event, it will generally make page jump, the control of jump between pages is often in the back end, the back end will control page Jump and data transfer, but sometimes do not want page jump, or want to control the front end, through js to manipulate page Jump or ...

Added by danc81 on Sun, 09 Jun 2019 22:12:02 +0300

CSS3 Warm-up Actual Warm-up - Transition and Animation (to achieve cool drop-down, accordion, seamless rolling)

1. Preface I have written more than a dozen articles in my column, all related to js. I haven't written any articles about CSS3 yet. Css3, it gives me the feeling that it's not difficult, but it's hard to play freely. Today, we use CSS3 to achieve three special effects. I hope these three special effects can inspire you. We use CSS3 to make bet ...

Added by Stegs on Sun, 09 Jun 2019 02:49:29 +0300

Simple Chat Room (express Framework) Based on Websocket

Recently, I wanted to write something interesting, so I finished this simple, not very beautiful gadget. First you have to make sure that your computer has node s, and then you can do things step by step.~~ 1. Create a folder 2. Clear the current folder address bar and enter cmd.exe in the folder address bar 3. We need to download a little some ...

Added by lucidfx on Sat, 08 Jun 2019 05:03:19 +0300

Brief Analysis of promise Principle

Promise super super simple summary: I always felt promise was mysterious before. Today I read Ruan Yifeng's es6 carefully and inquired about the promise principle. Finally I understand how promise is so 6. Introduction: Promise objects are used for deferred and asynchronous computing. A Promise object represents an operation that is not ...

Added by brownka on Fri, 07 Jun 2019 03:41:30 +0300

Upload files via Ajax and make Ajax requests using FormData

Upload files via AjaxUse FormData for Ajax requests  Upload files via traditional form submission: <form id= "uploadForm" action= "http://localhost:8080/cfJAX_RS/rest/file/upload" method= "post" enctype ="multipart/form-data">        <h1 >Test Passed Rest Interface Upload File </h1>        <p >Spe ...

Added by heropage on Wed, 05 Jun 2019 20:08:05 +0300

Using jQuery Framework to Set Page Pop-up Layer

In some web pages, we often need to use some pop-up layer to prompt users. Our general practice is to use alert brought by browsers to process, but for different browsers, the style of parsing is different. We can first write a small demo to see the pop-up styles of each browser:test The code is as follows: Open test.html with each browser to ...

Added by maybl8r03 on Tue, 04 Jun 2019 07:45:05 +0300

Front-end Development Start to Practice: Calculate the exposure time (residence time) of each module in a page

Products want to see the active pages put out. Users are more interested in what information is on their pages, and they are not interested in what information is on their pages at all. => Calculate the residence time of each module in the page The first time I heard this demand, my brain started to run crazily, and then I thought of plan ...

Added by cristal777 on Tue, 04 Jun 2019 06:01:24 +0300

Implementation of Short Message Verification Code Verification by SpringBoot

This article is welcomed to reprint, please indicate the source, thank you ~ (Author: Drinking does not ride Colton_Null) from CSDN Refer to another blog post about sending verification codes for Aliyun SMS service. Springboot Realizes Aliyun Communication Short Message Service and Sends Short Message Verification Code This paper will exp ...

Added by dave420 on Mon, 03 Jun 2019 23:14:09 +0300

jQuery Best Practices

Version specification Since IE6/7/8 is no longer available after jQuery 2.0, most projects recommend the latest version of 1.X, which is based on 1.11.1. Ready incident Before DOM operation, it is necessary to monitor the page loading progress, and DOM editing operation should be performed after the page loading is completed. ...

Added by shikhartandon on Sun, 02 Jun 2019 00:21:01 +0300

Write a Chrome plug-in from scratch

Plug-in function Usually the most time-consuming thing for me is brushing "know-it", but I can't stop being cheap. Chrome has one installed on it. StayFocusd 10 minutes later, the zhihu domain name is blocked. But sometimes you really need to know to check something. Every time you turn it off, you will "forget" to open it. ...

Added by isign4jc on Fri, 31 May 2019 21:40:19 +0300