Rewrite webpack multipage application configuration scaffolding

Previously, I wrote a configuration for a web pack multi-page application with only one webpack.config.js file, which implements css,js, and resource file processing for multi-entry configuration packaging.Since the entry configuration needs to be added by itself, how many pages of HtmlWebpackPlugin have to be added by itself.So while the confi ...

Added by PHPdev on Wed, 19 Jun 2019 20:30:58 +0300

MySQL 5.6 Upgrade to MySQL 5.7------------- Version Upgrade Best Practice

1. Background   MySQL 5.7 is the latest version of MySQL and has the following features compared to MySQL 5.6*Performance and scalability: Improve InnoDB scalability and temporary table performance for faster operations such as network and large data loading.   * JSON support: Using MySQL's JSON capabilities, you can combine ...

Added by Tdm on Wed, 19 Jun 2019 20:13:33 +0300

avalon project practice record

Original address: Project Background Need to be compatible with IE7 (important persuasion to discard IE6 based on data support) The last version of the traditional jQuery DOM development model, after numerous manual maintenance has been horrible to see Core Business Processes, Maintainability and Robustness Req ...

Added by MannX on Wed, 19 Jun 2019 03:14:42 +0300

Python serialization and deserialization

Python serialization and deserialization By serializing the object, it can be stored in variables or files, and the state of the object at that time can be preserved, so as to prolong its life cycle. And this object can be read out again if necessary. There are several common modules in Python to implement this function. pickle module Stored in ...

Added by pazzy on Tue, 18 Jun 2019 21:17:39 +0300

Python Programming From Introduction to Practice Chapter 10 Files and Exceptions

Read the entire file File pi_digits.txt # File pi_digits.txt 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 The following program opens and reads the entire file and displays its contents on the screen: with open("pi_digits.txt") as fileobject: contents = print(contents) #Operation results 3.1415926535 8979323846 264338 ...

Added by Toonster on Mon, 17 Jun 2019 23:29:57 +0300

React Practice Project (1)

React already has nearly 70,000 star ts on Github, and is the most popular front-end framework at present. And I've been learning React for a while. Now I'm going to fight with React+Redux! Article Address: code address: First, we started building a basic project. We use c ...

Added by sayoko on Mon, 17 Jun 2019 23:23:42 +0300

Node.js Native Development Introduction Complete Tutorial

Node.js Native Development Introduction Complete Tutorial I. About This article is devoted to teaching you how to use Node.js to develop applications, which will teach you all the "advanced" JavaScript knowledge you need. It's enough for Node to get started with this article. II. Code Status All codes were tested by Chun Ge himself an ...

Added by rami103 on Mon, 17 Jun 2019 21:55:55 +0300

Learning and Sharing about Google Maps JavaScript API

Recently, I participated in the project of inserting the Google Maps API on the page, so share my learning experience here, write for the first time, please wait! First, talk about the company's needs, click on the product list on the web page, render the corresponding map information and the corresponding details, and modify Google's inherent ...

Added by tlchung on Sun, 16 Jun 2019 20:43:11 +0300

iOS Development. Third Party Network Download Processing Framework: AFNetworking Network Download Processing (Official Document Translation)

click AFNetworking download 1. Framework system 1.1 NSURLSession AFURLSessionManager AFHTTPSessionManager 1.2 serialization <AFURLRequestSerialization> AFHTTPRequestSerializer AFJSONRequestSerializer AFPropertyListRequestSerializer <AFURLResponseSerialization> AFHTTPResponseSerializer AFJSONResponseSerializer AFXMLParser ...

Added by DocSeuss on Sun, 16 Jun 2019 00:21:06 +0300

Android Gson Details (IV)

Type Adapter Type Adapter is an abstract class provided by Gson since version 2.0 (source annotations say 2.1) to take over some type of serialization and deserialization process. It contains two annotation methods, write(JsonWriter,T) and read(JsonReader), and other methods are final methods and finally invoke these two abstract methods. ...

Added by jbachris on Sat, 15 Jun 2019 01:43:29 +0300