Summary of webpack2

This article github warehouse: Migration from v1 to v2 1. Configuration type In webpack1, configuration is done mainly by exporting a single object. For example, the following configuration: // Export mode of webpack1 module.export = { entry : 'app.js', output : { */... */}, /* ... */ }; In ...

Added by David4321 on Thu, 13 Jun 2019 21:09:08 +0300

System CTL enables nginx processes to automatically restart after hanging up

  Following the article on July 31, 2018: vim /lib/systemd/system/nginx.service   [Service]Restart=alwaysRestartSec=1Type=forkingPIDFile=/run/    systemctl daemon-reload systemctl start nginx After kill ing, the nginx will be automatically restarted. ------------------------------------------ If the original link is valid, ...

Added by Hoangsta on Wed, 12 Jun 2019 22:53:15 +0300

Handles teach you to build SSR(vue/vue-cli + express)

Recent simple research on SSR, SSR has a simple understanding, mainly for single-page applications, Nuxt is a good framework for SSR.There have also been some research, simple use, or very good feeling.But you still want to know if you don't depend on the framework and if you're working with SSRs, take a note. What is SSR Render the Vue compone ...

Added by pckidcomplainer on Wed, 12 Jun 2019 20:30:43 +0300

Crawlers - GET and POST requests

urllib.parse.urlencode() and urllib.parse.unquote() Encoding uses the urlencode() function of urllib.parse to help us convert key:value pairs into strings like "key=value". Decoding uses urllib's unquote() function. # Test results in Python 3.5 console >>> import urllib >>> word = {"wd":"Reptiles"} # By using the ...

Added by phpform08 on Wed, 12 Jun 2019 19:53:44 +0300

Writing a Configurable Web Information Extraction Component

Introduction Recent projects have a need to grab information from an old site and pour it into a new system. Because the old system has no one to maintain and the data is scattered, and the data to be extracted is more uniform on the web, it is planned to extract the data through the way of network request and analysis of the page. And at this ...

Added by jharbin on Wed, 12 Jun 2019 01:45:42 +0300

Crawler-json module and jsonpath module

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data exchange format, which makes it easy for people to read and write. At the same time, it also facilitates the analysis and generation of the machine. It is suitable for data interaction scenarios, such as data interaction between the front desk and the back desk of a website. JSON is compar ...

Added by badapple on Wed, 12 Jun 2019 00:59:47 +0300

food Welfare get - Today's food Wechat Program

wechat-todayFood Weixin applet imitates today's delicious food Beginning to learn the Weixin program, well, not bad, very interesting! So I did one by myself. You don't have to look at the title to know that I'm eating. I don't want to be exposed so soon, but this little program is so interesting. Okay, I'm going to get to the point. Let's go a ...

Added by haroon on Mon, 10 Jun 2019 21:53:21 +0300

Summary of javascript advanced knowledge points

this action within function function math(){ var info = 'info'; //External cannot be obtained directly, becoming a private property = 'fun1'; //Assigning a value with this makes it possible for the outside to get this value from the, which becomes a public property this.add = function(a,b){ ret ...

Added by Prellyan on Mon, 10 Jun 2019 21:05:33 +0300

Node.js Timely Export Highchart Chart

1. Background Requirements 1. Because the data contains confidential information, you have to set up your own chart export server; generate corresponding Highcharts charts in the background, export and save them as pictures.2. Charts are more personalized, such as some columns that Highchart does not have, but can be implemented with css in the ...

Added by natalieG on Mon, 10 Jun 2019 19:14:57 +0300

Introduction of Cesium 3d tiles format

This is a 3d tiles format file { "asset": { "version" : "0.0" }, //Asset is an object that contains global tileset metadata attributes. Where version attribute is defined3D Tiles Version of the string. Version number definition tileset.jsonOf JSON Basic setting of format and tile format. tilesetVersion Property is an optional string u ...

Added by coolbeansdude51 on Mon, 10 Jun 2019 03:32:32 +0300