Introduction to Wechat Small Program Basic Course

Dead work In order to develop the Wechat widget program, we need to do some preparatory work, first enter Download Quick Development Source Pack Then enter To download the Wechat Developer Tool, then decompress the source package and install the Wechat Developer Tool. After insta ...

Added by oaf357 on Wed, 05 Jun 2019 21:26:11 +0300

Android Lottie Experience

Unexperienced experience and personal view below, forgive where you are wrong, let's start with a simple implementation 1. Connection 2. Layout implementation <com.airbnb.lottie.LottieAnimationView android:id="@+id/animation_view" android:layout_width="wrap_content" andro ...

Added by prue_ on Tue, 04 Jun 2019 02:53:16 +0300

Implementation of Short Message Verification Code Verification by SpringBoot

This article is welcomed to reprint, please indicate the source, thank you ~ (Author: Drinking does not ride Colton_Null) from CSDN Refer to another blog post about sending verification codes for Aliyun SMS service. Springboot Realizes Aliyun Communication Short Message Service and Sends Short Message Verification Code This paper will exp ...

Added by dave420 on Mon, 03 Jun 2019 23:14:09 +0300

Use of IOC container Autofac

Today, I am immersed in IOC's pursuit of design patterns. I have listened to many lectures and seen many examples. This is a test project of mine. In order to test the code, I first prepared two classes: Car and ICar. These two classes are similar to DAL and IDAL in our usual project. Now let's start! 1. First add a class InitAutofac to our p ...

Added by Josh18657 on Mon, 03 Jun 2019 22:23:22 +0300

[aspnetcore] Configuration uses jwt authentication

jwt has never been used in a project because of the fear that token will reveal problems.But it's really hot right now, so I'll do some research when I'm free. Implementing jwt in aspnetcore is very simple. It feels that Microsoft has done a lot of work. Although the development efficiency is improved, it makes c#programmers silly. Many things ...

Added by spamyboy on Sun, 02 Jun 2019 20:06:28 +0300

jQuery Best Practices

Version specification Since IE6/7/8 is no longer available after jQuery 2.0, most projects recommend the latest version of 1.X, which is based on 1.11.1. Ready incident Before DOM operation, it is necessary to monitor the page loading progress, and DOM editing operation should be performed after the page loading is completed. ...

Added by shikhartandon on Sun, 02 Jun 2019 00:21:01 +0300

Development of Drag Component of JavaScript Object-Oriented Program Demo-xyp_hf

Today, let's talk about the component development of JavaScript object-oriented programs. Let's write an example of dragging component Demo to describe the pit in it. Component development is actually a form of code reuse, many friends will ask, then what is the difference between components and inheritance? We say that inheritance is more l ...

Added by justdiy on Sat, 01 Jun 2019 22:06:49 +0300

SharePoint REST API - Lists and List Items

Blog address: This article focuses on how to use SharePoint REST to manipulate lists and list items. Read this article first to understand the introduction and basic operation of REST described earlier. No more nonsense, let's start now. Getting list attributes with REST When you know the GUID of a list, you can use ...

Added by bob_dole on Sat, 01 Jun 2019 02:37:33 +0300

Write a Chrome plug-in from scratch

Plug-in function Usually the most time-consuming thing for me is brushing "know-it", but I can't stop being cheap. Chrome has one installed on it. StayFocusd 10 minutes later, the zhihu domain name is blocked. But sometimes you really need to know to check something. Every time you turn it off, you will "forget" to open it. ...

Added by isign4jc on Fri, 31 May 2019 21:40:19 +0300

Talk about asynchronous programming from js

The purpose of the article Unveil the mystery of gorouter of go, async/await of c#writing asynchronous code in synchronous writing, and prove that it is essentially a grammatical sugar Why use js for asynchronous programming Because js can implement async/await syntax through the programming language's own syntax features js asynchronous bottom ...

Added by frijole on Thu, 30 May 2019 19:15:23 +0300