crud using Mybatis-plus

Introduction to 1 Mybatis-Plus 1.1 What is Mybatis-Plus MyBatis-Plus (MP) is an enhancement tool for MyBatis. Based on MyBatis, only enhancements are made without changes. It is created to simplify development and increase efficiency. 1.2 Why study Mybatis-Plus We have already learned the framework of Mybatis. We only need to define abstract in ...

Added by guarriman on Fri, 16 Aug 2019 04:49:08 +0300

SpringIoC and DI Annotation Development

1.Spring Configuration Data Source 1.1 Role of Data Source (Connection Pool) Data sources (connection pools) are used to improve program performance, such as Pre-instantiate the data source to initialize part of the connection resources Getting f ...

Added by berridgeab on Thu, 15 Aug 2019 16:08:46 +0300

Access Flutter in Android Project and use Android Layout in Flutter

Start In flutter development, there are always two unavoidable problems: The migration of native projects to flutter requires access to flutter in native projects In order to use some mature applications in flutter project, it is unavoidable to use various mature libraries, such as audio and video. In this article, we will introd ...

Added by g-force2k2 on Tue, 06 Aug 2019 11:17:01 +0300

Java Learning - Preliminary understanding of reflection and dynamic proxies

"This is a summary of video material and video compilation for Chuanzhuan Big Data Course"   1 Reflection The attributes, methods, constructors, etc. in a class object can be retrieved by reflection 1 package thread.reflect; 2 3 import org.junit.Before; 4 import org.junit.Test; 5 6 import java.lang.reflect ...

Added by soulroll on Sun, 04 Aug 2019 02:45:27 +0300

Application of redis, conference assistant for WeChat Enterprise Number

Now that I've built a general project structure, I'm starting to write some necessary tool classes. Today I'll start with the redis application that I use.Redis has many applications in some projects, so I'm going to talk about spring's String RedisTemplate today.The function redis uses in this project is to cache some information about WeChat ...

Added by Poolie on Tue, 09 Jul 2019 20:58:42 +0300

Java IO Learning Summary

Reprinted from     Java The streams can be classified from different perspectives. According to the direction of flow: input stream and output stream. According to the unit of processing data: byte stream and character stream. It can be divided into node flow and processing flow accord ...

Added by alfpalafox on Fri, 05 Jul 2019 22:00:42 +0300

JBPM (3) - - JPDL Process Definition Language

JPDL, full name JBossjBPMProcess Definition Language, is JBPM's process definition language. JPDL process definition language mainly grasps the following several kinds: 1.process (process) 2.transition (Connection, Transfer) 3.start (Start Activities) 4.end, end-error, end-cancel 5.state (state activity) 6.task (Task Activities) 7.deci ...

Added by NuLL[PL] on Mon, 24 Jun 2019 03:53:41 +0300

java implements the function of sending mail

java implements the function of sending mail E-mail development is a common phenomenon and function in the background, such as user registration, the system automatically sends an e-mail to the user's mailbox; and then, for example, password retrieval, the system will automatically send the password to the user's mailbox;... Wait a minute, ...

Added by hewzett on Mon, 17 Jun 2019 02:50:06 +0300

How to use Kotlin to develop projects in Android Studio

Kotlin has become the official language of Android, and I believe it will be used more and more widely in the future. But only Android Studio 3.0 can support Kotlin. How can we use Kotlin to develop Android projects in versions below 3.0? This requires the installation of the kotlin plug-in. Kotlin resources: Official website: http://kotlinl ...

Added by Mr Camouflage on Thu, 13 Jun 2019 23:07:30 +0300

First Line Code Chapter 6 Data Storage Scheme - LitePal Database Storage

LitePal - An open source Android database framework. It uses object-relational mapping (ORM) mode to encapsulate the common database functions in development, so that it can complete all kinds of table building, deletion and modification checking operations without writing SQL statements. Use open source libraries in projects: Most open sou ...

Added by tablex on Mon, 03 Jun 2019 23:27:47 +0300