Method area of jvm

Method area of jvm definition (1) The method area, like the java heap, is a memory area shared by all threads (2) The method area is created when the jvm starts, and its actual physical memory space can be discontinuous like the java heap area (3) The size of the method area, like the heap space, can be fixed or expanded (4) The size of the m ...

Added by jd6th on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 11:07:24 +0200

Common java troubleshooting commands and tools under Linux

Most of the environments described in this article are based on linux. For a program, under Linux, we can find the corresponding process ID according to the program response information: ps -ef | grep java | grep -v grep | |awk '{print $2}' In this way, we can get the process id and PID of the corresponding program After obtaining the PI ...

Added by ledtear on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 05:37:52 +0200

Deep understanding of JVM -- class loading and bytecode Technology

Deep understanding of JVM (XI) -- class loading and bytecode Technology (V) 6. Operation period optimization Layered compilation The JVM divides the execution state into five levels: Layer 0: interpret and execute, and translate bytecode into machine code with interpreterLayer 1: compile and execute with C1 real-time compiler (without p ...

Added by Kazlaaz on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 14:27:57 +0200

After the jvm heap memory overflows, can other threads continue to work

Reprinted from: Original link Author: Recently, a meituan interview question appeared on the Internet: "after one thread is OOM, can other threads still run?". I think there are many unreliable answers on the Internet. This question is actually very difficult. The knowledge points involved include ...

Added by ForumSecure on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 08:37:52 +0200

JVM memory region and memory overflow exception

All Rights Reserved © 1. JVM runtime memory data area division Program counterJava virtual machine stackNative Method Stack Java heapMethod areaRuntime Constant Pool 2. Program counter The program counter is a small memory space, which can be understood as the line number indicator of the bytecode file executed by the curr ...

Added by hubbardude on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 18:22:30 +0200

Deep understanding of JVM -- memory structure

Deep understanding of JVM (2) -- memory structure (2) 4. Pile definition Objects created with the new keyword are placed in heap memory characteristic The safety of all threads in the heap needs to be consideredThere is a garbage collection mechanism Heap memory overflow java.lang.OutofMemoryError : java heap space. Heap memory over ...

Added by Haberdasher on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 19:20:54 +0200

There are four kinds of references in Java - strong reference, soft reference, weak reference and virtual reference

1. Strong reference Strong references are the most common kind of references. 99.9999% of the codes we write are strong references: 2. Soft reference Soft reference is to wrap the object with SoftReference. When we need to get the wrapped object from the soft reference object, we just need to get it characteristic: When the memory is ...

Added by chord on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 04:15:23 +0200

JVM_05_ Local method interface

In short, a Native Method is an interface for Java to call non java code. A Native Method is a Java method that is implemented by a non Java language, such as C. This feature is not unique to Java. Many other programming languages have this mechanism. For example, in C + +, you can use extern "C" to tell the C + + compiler to c ...

Added by limpo on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 13:44:56 +0200

Handwritten JVM Chapter 7 with Java -- method call and return

Chapter 4 implements the runtime data areas such as Java virtual machine stack and frame, which lays a foundation for the implementation of the method. Chapter 5 implements a simple interpreter and more than 150 instructions, which can execute a single method. Chapter 6 implements the method area, which clears the obstacles for method invocatio ...

Added by whir on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 10:16:29 +0200

How is the value of hashCode generated? Object memory address?

First look at the simplest print System.out.println(new Object()); The fully qualified class name and a string of strings of this class will be output: java.lang.Object@6659c656 What's after the @ symbol? Is it hashcode or the memory address of the object? Or something else? ​ In fact, @ what follows is only the hashcode value of the objec ...

Added by dsds1121 on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 14:35:15 +0200