Tinyhttpd study notes

Tinyhttpd Tinyhttpd is a micro Web server written by J. David Blackstone in 1999, which realizes the function of a simple Http server. Its source code comes from SourceForge . This article is a version of learning notes found by the author on Github. The Github warehouse address is https://github.com/EZLippi/Tinyhttpd . With the help ...

Added by jibster on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 13:58:48 +0200

07Ansible condition judgment, loop, handlers, task failure, file management

1. Conditional task syntax In the example, ansible_ The distribution variable is a fact determined during the Gathering Facts task and is used to identify the operating system branch of the managed host. The variable platform is created by the playbook and contains the operating system distribution list supported by the playbook. If ansibl ...

Added by ricmch on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 11:31:03 +0200

Shengxin step | transcriptome sequencing upstream analysis: hisat2+samtools+stringtie

Transcriptome analysis is widely used in the field of functional genomics. In this paper, hisat2+samtools+stringtie strategy is used to mine differentially expressed genes from transcriptome data. Here, I have sorted out the implementation process of this set of combination for future reference; At the same time, sharing on the platform, if you ...

Added by sqlmc on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 07:00:46 +0200

Initialize CentOS7 operating system components and software

background With the large-scale application of cloud server, the migration of traditional computer room environment to cloud environment has become a general trend. The cabinet installation, strong and weak current wiring installation, cable power selection, network cable optical fiber selection and connection of traditional computer room ...

Added by bouncer on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 06:37:36 +0200

2021 Linux technology summary: U-boot

1, Introduction to U-boot A bootloader program (equivalent to the BIOS of windows) is required to start the Linux system. The purpose of bootloader is to copy the operating system image file to RAM and then jump to its entry for execution, mainly including: Initialize the exception vector table of arm and set the address of the exception vect ...

Added by Gambler on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 05:40:28 +0200

[Cron expression] you don't have to worry about automatically executing tasks regularly and setting the time

  May you be like sunshine, bright and not sad.   1. Cron expression Kelon The unit of time, a krone, is one million years. Cron expression is a string separated by 5 or 6 spaces and divided into 6 or 7 fields. Each field represents a meaning. Cron expression has the following two syntax formats: Seconds Minutes Hours DayofMonth ...

Added by madcat on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 04:00:28 +0200

Memory forensics replication

Memory Forensics Forensics file suffix raw,. vmem,. imgCommon commands (imageinfo, pslist, dumpfiles, memdump)Suspicious process (notepad, cmd)Combined with disk ForensicsUnderstand some operating system principlesCommon file suffixes dmg, img Volatile basic commands You can use the - h parameter to get the usage method and plug-in introduct ...

Added by mash on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 16:47:11 +0200

Network programming: OSI layer 7 protocol

Why use network programming When you write two python Documents, such as a.py and b.py,Run separately and it will run well. However, if you want to transfer data between the two programs, you need to create a file and a.py Write what you want to pass to a file, and then b.py Just read from this file. But when a.py and b.py What should I do ...

Added by andylai on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 15:10:30 +0200

IV Development record of ubuntu system installation ROS and development environment

The column series is as follows: I Develop documented AHRS, inertial navigation sensor SBG-Ellipse-N sensor configuration and use_ goldqiu's blog - CSDN blog_ SBG sensor data format II Remote use of dispatch IPC and configuration of ubuntu and ROS environment_ goldqiu's blog - CSDN blog III The configuration, environment, installation and ba ...

Added by PHPnewby! on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 07:06:27 +0200

Detailed flow and example of TCP and UDP based on socket network programming technology

There are too many explanations of specific functions. Analyze them by yourself according to the program. You can refer to this article: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41687938/article/details/119102328?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501 https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42193813/article/details/105666316 catalogue 1, socket 1.1 socket overview 1.2 introduc ...

Added by martinstan on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 01:24:34 +0200