ElasticSearch ~ query operation ~ (simple query, batch query, matching query, fuzzy query, accurate query, range query, wildcard query, must query, should query, filter query)

1, Simple query 1, Query all results GET /student_info/_search { "query": {"match_all": {}} } 2, Query by criteria GET /student_info/_search { "query":{ "match":{ "name":"Zhang San" } } } 3, Sort GET /student_info/_search { "query":{ "match":{ "name":"Zhang San" } }, "sort":[{ "age":"desc" } ...

Added by jonki on Fri, 25 Feb 2022 15:23:29 +0200

Description of key attributes and fields in elasticsearch

Premise: This article is written based on elasticsearch 6.4.2. There may be slight differences between the two versions Document, index, type attributeexplaindocumentThe data information to be stored, such as employee data. An employee data can represent a documentindexThe behavior of storing documents in elastic search is called Indexing; An ...

Added by jon2396 on Tue, 15 Feb 2022 12:10:28 +0200

Full text search Lucene

Full text search Lucene Getting started with lucene What is lucene Role of Lucene Usage scenario Advantages and disadvantages lucene application Indexing process Search process Use of field field Index library maintenance Word splitter Advanced search case Lucene advanced Lucene underlying storage structure Dictionary sorting a ...

Added by quanghoc on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 01:32:15 +0200

Lucene application practice -- use of Field field and maintenance of index library

Use of Field field and maintenance of index library preface Previously, we conducted a simple demo of the use of Lucene. In this paper, we will explain in detail the use of Field field Field in Lucene and the related operations of index library maintenance. Use of Fileld domain brief introduction Lucene storage objects take Document as the ...

Added by lukevrn on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 01:56:09 +0200

ElasticSearch is a beginner's article

Elastasearch - Introduction and installation Full text search belongs to the most common requirement, open source Elasticsearch (hereinafter referred to as ES) is the first choice of full-text search engine. It can quickly store, search and analyze massive data. The bottom layer of ES is the open source library Lucene. ES is a Lucene based se ...

Added by asifkamalzahid on Wed, 29 Dec 2021 08:12:53 +0200

Index file of Lucene in Solr source code analysis (12)

2021SC@SDUSC 1. Store domain data files (. fdt and. fdx) Solr4. The format of fdt and fdx used in 8.0 is Lucene 4.0 1. In order to improve the compression ratio, StoredFieldsFormat compresses documents in 16KB units. The compression algorithm used is LZ4. Because it focuses more on speed than compression ratio, it can compress and decompress ...

Added by segwaypirate on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 16:06:07 +0200

luene core code analysis report 13

2021SC@SDUSC Close the IndexWriter object code: writer.close(); --> IndexWriter.closeInternal(boolean) --> (1) Writes index information from memory to disk: flush(waitForMerges, true, true); --> (2) Merge segments: mergeScheduler.merge(this); The merging of segments will be discussed in later chapters. Here, we only discuss ...

Added by Das Capitolin on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 09:30:12 +0200