Android prompt dialog lightweight prompt box, loading, success, failure, warning, etc

Android-PromptDialog Project address: limxing/Android-PromptDialog  Introduction: lightweight prompt box, loading, success, failure, warning, etc., as well as dialog box, non composite frame, customized ImageView implementation, thank you star Prompt box - loading - dialog box - bottom option box - Homepage advertisement- P ...

Added by twigletmac on Thu, 02 Jan 2020 01:58:42 +0200

maven uses the setting.xml configuration file to configure the warehouse address

Only one image library can be configured. Alibaba's cloud address is used here, which is faster Upload a maven settings.xml configuration file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apa ...

Added by cmaclennan on Thu, 26 Dec 2019 21:04:02 +0200

How to create a Spring Cloud Stream Binder from scratch

You will learn how to develop a custom Spring Cloud Stream Binder from scratch Spring Cloud Stream is a framework built on top of Spring Boot and Spring Integration. It aims to build event driven microservices that communicate through one or more shared messaging systems. The core component of Spring Cloud Stream is called "Binder", ...

Added by geroido on Mon, 23 Dec 2019 20:38:26 +0200

The lightest configuration of Jenkins + docker + dockerfile Maven plugin + harbor CI / CD spring boot project

explain This paper is only for future reference, recording some key steps and stepping on the pit Dockerfile Maven plugin building image configuration <plugin> <groupId>com.spotify</groupId> <artifactId>dockerfile-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.4. ...

Added by matthewc on Fri, 20 Dec 2019 16:06:33 +0200

java Concurrent Programming -- thread unsafe class

What are thread unsafe classes? If an object of a class is accessed by multiple threads at the same time, if special synchronization or concurrent processing is not done, it is easy to show thread unsafe phenomena, such as throwing exceptions, logic processing errors, etc., which we call thread unsafe classes. What are the common thread unsafe ...

Added by nelietis on Wed, 18 Dec 2019 18:58:12 +0200

Implement a better property copy framework based on asm than spring beanautils

Bean-Mapping In daily development, it is often necessary to assign the properties of one object to another. There are many common tools, but they are not concise or powerful enough. Spring bean utils, which we often use, has good performance, but not enough features. Bean-Mapping It provides many rich features for daily development. If you are ...

Added by DapperDanMan on Wed, 18 Dec 2019 10:40:28 +0200

Spring Cloud Distributed Micro Service Cloud Architecture Part 9: Service Link Tracking (Spring Cloud Sleut)

This article focuses on the service tracking component zipkin, which Spring Cloud Sleuth integrates. 1. Introduction Add sleuth to the classpath of a Spring Boot application (see belowfor Maven and Gradle examples), and you will see the correlation databeing collected in logs, as long as you are logging requests. --- From the official website ...

Added by ponies3387 on Wed, 18 Dec 2019 05:21:25 +0200

Cannot generate spring-configuration-metadata.json file in IntelliJ Idea with Kotlin

Problem description In Baidu search keywords, found Stack Overflow related problems spring-configuration-metadata.json file is not generated in IntelliJ Idea for Kotlin @ConfigurationProperties class Original link: T ...

Added by TRB on Mon, 16 Dec 2019 16:51:48 +0200

Resolution of jackson version conflict in spark application

In the spark program, jackson is used to do json serialization and deserialization of scala objects. There are java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError and java.lang.AbstractMethodError errors at runtime. After searching the Internet, it is found that the version conflicts between jackson/guava and spark. 1. In idea, by adjusting the order of dependencie ...

Added by DocSeuss on Sun, 15 Dec 2019 17:06:15 +0200

Record the openId and token obtained by wechat (java implementation)

I've been writing wechat related interfaces recently. I'm really.... hey First write a url request tool class import; import; import; public static String sendGet(String url, String charset, int timeout) { String result = ""; try { URL u = ...

Added by shaunrigby on Fri, 13 Dec 2019 21:14:44 +0200