05 Gateway application practice

Gateway introduction Background analysis We know that a large-scale system is often divided into many micro services when it is designed. So how can a client call so many microservices? The client can directly send a request to the microservice. Each microservice has a public URL that can be directly mapped to a specific microservice. If ther ...

Added by BTalon on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 09:07:52 +0200

Microservice architecture | 5.1 uses Netflix Hystrix circuit breaker

preface reference material: <Spring Microservices in Action> Principle and practice of Spring Cloud Alibaba microservice "Spring cloud framework development tutorial in Silicon Valley of station B" Zhou Yang Hystrix is a delay and disaster recovery library, which aims to isolate the access points of remote systems, services a ...

Added by dzelenika on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 13:03:08 +0200

Introduction of distributed task scheduling system chaconn

Chaconnect is a lightweight distributed task scheduling framework written in Java and based on the SpringBoot framework. The introduction of chaconne ct related components can help you build a distributed task cluster very quickly Chaconnect feature list Perfect support for spring boot framework (2.2.0 +)Support timed tasks set in multiple wa ...

Added by greedyisg00d on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 04:17:17 +0200

Xi Practice of micro service version of single sign on system

Create aggregation project Project architecture engineering structure Create project Step 1: create a parent project, for example: Step 2: create JT SSO auth project Step 3: create a JT SSO resource project Step 4: create a JT SSO Gateway project Step 5: create a JT SSO UI project ...

Added by adamh91 on Fri, 31 Dec 2021 03:00:47 +0200

Feign source code deep analysis - component scanner: ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider

"No step, no even a thousand miles." In this article, let's take a look at the core mechanism of feign and how to scan the @ FeignClient annotated interfaces under all packages The entry is the registerFeignClients(metadata, registry) method public void registerFeignClients(AnnotationMetadata metadata, ...

Added by spaggle on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 11:10:35 +0200

SpringClould microservice Architecture Construction -- unified response, input parameter verification and exception handling

preface For an interface provided by the back end, it is essential to have a unified response format to facilitate parameter verification and unified exception handling. Today, we integrate these three basic functions into the project to make the project closer to the actual development scenario. Unified response In project development, gene ...

Added by eves on Thu, 18 Nov 2021 04:23:17 +0200

Build JVM micro service monitoring based on docker (Prometheus+Grafana)

1, JVM monitoring Installing node based on docker_ exporter+prometheus+grafana Download Image package: docker pull prom/node_exporter docker pull prom/prometheus docker pull grafana/grafana docker pull timonwong/prometheus-webhook-dingtalk 1. Start node exporter docker run -d --name node_exporter -p 9100:9100 \ -v "/proc:/host/proc:ro ...

Added by bodzan on Tue, 02 Nov 2021 09:27:38 +0200