On the mechanism of message mapping and command passing in MFC

This paper is mainly based on Hou Jie's MFC in simple terms, and mainly describes the MFC message mapping and transmission mechanism. How to form a message mapping network 1 add the code of message mapping table in the source file First, you must declare the message mapping table in the header file (. H) class CScribbleDoc : public CDocumen ...

Added by EvilWalrus on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 15:07:59 +0200

Stack overflow caused by asynchronous cyclic collection of. NET TCP/IP Socket

We know NET TCP/IP Socket asynchronous circular charging official and most examples are circular charging, but in fact, this method has the problem of stack overflow. MD, after receiving the Stack Overflow program, it will collapse directly. At present, there are several ways to solve it. Stack Overflow is very wild compared with the several w ...

Added by kanenas.net on Tue, 01 Feb 2022 21:22:05 +0200

Clion uses the MFC library. The local main method wants to run the solution after failure

Recently, I am writing JNI, and I intend to use java to call C or C + + to operate the underlying API of the operating system. MFC programming is a very old technology. A large number of windows APIs are provided in the MFC library, so we are going to write JNI to call the underlying Windows API. Because I am used to using the products of Jetb ...

Added by jomama on Tue, 01 Feb 2022 07:03:13 +0200

WPF places the window under the desktop (can be used for dynamic desktop)

WPF places the window under the desktop (can be used for dynamic desktop) Let's look at the effect first: The interface elements are very simple. Just a Button button, and then write a timer to regularly update the contents of the Button to the current time. The following describes the principle and interface composition. Window introducti ...

Added by newmember on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 05:12:10 +0200

Arcgis10.2+pgsql14 development (non SDE version)

Cause: SDE and pgsql11 were initially used for development, but later the database was upgraded to pgsql14. Because SDE and PgSQL versions did not match, it was unable to import element data and display data. Database upgrading was inevitable, so we had to find another solution. reference material: Spatial Database for Postgres and ArcGis user ...

Added by urb on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 15:55:36 +0200

The core concept of. Net Core -- dependency injection and Middleware

Understanding and application of dependency injection 1. Why use dependency injection (DI) What is dependency injection and why? In simple and popular terms, when a class needs the help of another class, it generates dependencies, so the required dependencies need to be injected to work together. There is a dependency inversion principle (DIP ...

Added by ari_aaron on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 15:32:15 +0200

WPF learning notes: AvalonEdit code highlight editing control topic

Python wechat ordering applet course video https://edu.csdn.net/course/detail/36074 Python practical quantitative transaction financial management system https://edu.csdn.net/course/detail/35475 AvalonEdit Is a WPF based text editor component. It is made by Daniel Grunwald by SharpDevelop Written. Starting with version 5.0, AvalonEdit is rel ...

Added by l!m!t on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 01:47:27 +0200

C# getting started tutorial-1

Using ide or online tools 1: Try changing the following code to output "Hello, universe" instead of "Hello, world". using System; public class program { public static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Hello, world"); } } 2: Contents of this chapter Basic structure of C# program How to use console WriteLine How to ...

Added by curt3006 on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 23:30:59 +0200

WPF MVVM event binding

Event transfer command Most of our controls with Command dependent properties inherit the ICommandSource interface, which has three function members: ICommand interface type property Command, object type property CommandParameter,IInputElement type property CommandTarget, ButtonBase and MenuItem basically inherit the two basic classes of IComm ...

Added by Democreous on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 08:35:05 +0200

Introduction to Java basics Chapter 4 process control statements

catalogue Three structures of program 1. Sequential structure 2. Select structure if select statement If else selection statement 3. Circulation structure whlie loop statement Do while loop statement for loop statement 4.Process jump statement break jump statement continue jump statement Three structures of program 1. Sequentia ...

Added by agadgil on Sat, 08 Jan 2022 13:18:33 +0200