MongoDB native statement exercise: official website example

preface As mentioned earlier, after practicing for a long time, I found that the official brought its own demo, followed by the official website again, and learned more operators. Then I'll see if I have time to practice some more Learning method: before running those topics with specific values, you can imagine the approximate values in ...

Added by gioahmad on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 18:41:00 +0300

In depth comparison of Python operations MySQL, MongoDB and Oracle databases!

As a data analyst, it is necessary to master a database language. Today, Mr. Huang will take you to learn about two relational databases MySQL and Oracle and a non relational database MongoDB. For data analysts, the most important thing to learn about databases is to learn their query functions. This article takes this as the starting point t ...

Added by soupy127 on Sun, 24 Oct 2021 05:06:43 +0300

Implementation and design of article review based on MongoDB

Implementation and design of article review based on MongoDB Premise: This paper aims to learn the implementation idea of mongoDB for the system comment function, which is not a complete implementation of the system comment function. Design Structure of comment collection _idmongoDB document default numbercidArticle id, generated by snowfla ...

Added by audiodef on Thu, 14 Oct 2021 07:05:01 +0300

Leyou Mall (17) -- Comment service

MongoDB learning notes 1, Introduction to MongoDB 1.1 analysis on characteristics of comment data The two functions of comment have the following characteristics: Large amount of dataFrequent write operationsLow value For such data, MongoDB is more suitable for data storage 1.2. What is MongonDB The official website address of MongoDB is ...

Added by jackyhuphp on Tue, 07 Sep 2021 00:59:32 +0300

Analysis on the speed of inserting a large amount of data into MongoDB database

Requirement background: a certain timing task generates thousands or more JSON data. This data has not been fully written into the database, and the data of the next scheduled task has been generated. How to solve the data congestion caused by this? When spring boot is used to insert data into MongoDB database, the save method in MongoTempla ...

Added by ghettopixel on Tue, 30 Jun 2020 19:43:06 +0300

CURD basic operation of MongoDB

Note: This paper is based on MongoDB 4.2.6 1. Delete Delete a document > { "_id" : ObjectId("5ed6549830571733ccb3d678"), "jordan" : 23, "haha" : "ending" } { "_id" : ObjectId("5ed6549830571733ccb3d679"), "kobe" : 24, "haha" : "ending" } >{jordan: 23}) ...

Added by StefanRSA on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 09:46:27 +0300

Mixed query of tp5+Mongodb and Mysql database

Preface MongoDB mass data query is fast without data model Suitable for log database Or the intermediate database reads and stores some business data to be read from the MySQL database MongoDB is not suitable for multi table transaction function, and there is not a good determination mechanism for write operation. It is not suitabl ...

Added by steved on Tue, 05 May 2020 01:46:33 +0300

Elastsearch basic query (open)

Elastsearch basic query Elasticsearch is a very powerful full-text search engine. The purpose of using elasticsearch is to quickly query the desired data. Basic query: query with elastic search built-in query criteria Composite query: a composite query that combines multiple basic queries Filter: when querying, filter out the desired data ...

Added by natronp on Mon, 04 May 2020 06:30:21 +0300

computed -- real time calculation attribute

Project: The calculated function of real-time calculation attributes, real-time calculation attributes, is just the function writing method, and there is no need to declare in data. Some business logic codes can be placed in computed. Remember to return. exampl ...

Added by Blob on Sun, 03 May 2020 01:11:13 +0300

Operation of embedded set in springboot~mongo

As for the operation of mongodb's embedded objects, uncle has said in the. net platform. At the same time, uncle has encapsulated mongo's storage and is very convenient to use. In the java springboot framework, of course, there are corresponding methods. Let's talk about it. I hope it can help the students who just contacted mongodb! Data stru ...

Added by harlowhair on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 05:26:27 +0300