Do you know the common JavaScript design patterns?

Original: Translator: Front-end Technology Brother brief introduction We write code to solve problems. These problems usually have many similarities. When we try to solve these problems, we will notice several common patterns. This is where design patterns come into play. The term design pattern is use ...

Added by Skoalbasher on Sat, 10 Aug 2019 17:14:13 +0300

Reliable Multicast Programming (PGM) Protocol

Reliable Multicast Programming (PGM) is a general reliable multicast protocol that guarantees the reliability of multicast to some extent.It is an IP upper-level protocol, and has UDP peers with TCP, working in the transport layer. In the multicast transmission video project, it is found that when the network is poor, the performance of multica ...

Added by FrostedFlakes on Sat, 10 Aug 2019 04:39:39 +0300

Summary of Common Data Structures and Javascript Implementation

Many of the students who do the front-end are self-taught or half-baked. The basic knowledge of computer is relatively weak, especially the data structure and algorithm. So today, I sorted out the common data structure and the corresponding implementation of Javascript, hoping to help you improve the knowledge system in this area. 1. Stack (sta ...

Added by tomhath on Thu, 08 Aug 2019 13:26:50 +0300

kube-proxy source code parsing

kubernetes Off-line Installation Package, only three steps kube-proxy source code parsing ipvs has higher performance and stability than iptables mode. This paper focuses on the source code analysis of iptables mode. If you want to understand the principle of iptables mode, you can refer to its implementation. There is no difference in architec ...

Added by plaggypig on Wed, 07 Aug 2019 10:49:26 +0300

Installation of kubernetes lowB

kubernetes Off-line Installation Package, only three steps Basic environment Close firewall selinux $ systemctl stop firewalld && systemctl disable firewalld $ setenforce 0 Open forwardsysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1<!--more-->Close swap swapoff -aDelete the line with swap in the / etc/fstab file and ignore it if not Install thes ...

Added by Locked on Wed, 07 Aug 2019 10:36:05 +0300

kube-proxy source code analysis

kubernetes Off-line Installation Package, only three steps kube-proxy source code parsing ipvs has higher performance and stability than iptables mode. This paper focuses on the source code analysis of iptables mode. If you want to understand the principle of iptables mode, you can refer to its implementation. There is no difference in archit ...

Added by mattyj10 on Wed, 07 Aug 2019 09:56:44 +0300

Android Network Request 4--Parsing Retrofit Source Code

Articles Catalogue 1. Introduction to Retrofit 2. Retrofit usage (asynchronous) 2.1 Adding Dependencies 2.2 Adding Network Permissions 2.3 Create a class for receiving server to return data 2.4 Create an interface for describing network requests 2.5 Create Retrofit instances 2.6 Creating an Example ...

Added by Alanmoss on Tue, 06 Aug 2019 12:53:25 +0300

Android Encapsulates Rxjava2+Retrofit Perfectly

I learned the basic usage of Rxjava and Retrofit last year, but I haven't used them in actual projects.Starting a new project this year, we decisively introduced RxJava and Retrofit into the new project.This article describes the author's encapsulation of Retrofit in the project.Let's first see how Retrofit works after encapsulation. RetrofitH ...

Added by celebx on Tue, 06 Aug 2019 04:13:25 +0300

CRM Multi-Conditional Filtering and Paging - Day 16

- Restore content to start --- 1.1 CRM first displays the fields to be filtered The front-end code is as follows:  {% for condtion in admin_class.list_filters%}     <div class="col-lg-2">           <span>{{condtion}}</span>  </div> The list_filters filtered field values are defined in the class Customer(admin_cla ...

Added by medusa1414 on Mon, 05 Aug 2019 21:42:55 +0300

vue generates canvas Poster

vue-canvas-poster vue Component - Draw Canvas Diagram with Simple Attributesgithub Summary A lightweight vue component that draws canvas pictures through css attributes(A lightweight vue components use canvas draw image by css properties.) It has the following characteristics: Drawing text (line breaks, out-of-content ellipsis, midline, unders ...

Added by creativodev on Mon, 05 Aug 2019 11:05:20 +0300