Intercept and replace token s in springboot to simplify authentication

1, Scene source In daily development practice, it is often necessary to use tools (such as Postman and curl commands) to build http requests for development and testing. When an interface requiring token authentication is encountered, it may be necessary to log in to additional pages or request other interfaces to obtain tokens. If it is necess ...

Added by mouloud2001 on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 05:16:59 +0200

Getting started with ESP32 HTTP

1. Environmental preparation use postman client online debugging use Postjason tool You can first understand the following knowledge: The difference between HTTP request method get and post Url describes a resource on the network, and get, post, put and delete correspond to four operations: query, change, add and delete. Get is use ...

Added by halfman on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 21:19:26 +0200

python tourism project

Display of small tourism projects The project adopts Vant UI as the UI of the project. The rapid prototyping interface, Vant's official address: The front-end page is formed by Vue cli, and the back-end relies on Django and uses Api communication to complete it quickly Front page display Mai ...

Added by crazykid on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 20:12:31 +0200

Discussion on developing pytest plug-in based on automated testing framework

In this chapter, we introduce how to develop the pytest plug-in. In the last article, we introduced four python unit testing frameworks. It can be divided into two categories: one must have class inheritance, such as QTAF , and , unittest, and the other can have no class inheritance, such as nose/nose2 , and , pytest. For the framework with ...

Added by phast1 on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 16:32:12 +0200

Nodejs file upload based on express+multer

overview Image upload is a function often used in web development, and the node community also has relatively perfect support in this regard. Common open source components include multer and formidable. With the help of these two open source components, you can easily upload pictures. This paper mainly explains the following contents, and th ...

Added by Sir Mildred Pierce on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 06:24:04 +0200

Development tool - postman

catalogue 1 simple introduction 1.1 creating collections 1.2 create request 1.3 set assertion 1.4 assembly test 1.5 export * json script 1.6 collection and sharing 1.7 authority management 2 second order use 2.1 setting environment variables 2.1.1 new environment 2.1.2 setting environment variables 2.1.3 setting environment variable ...

Added by bostonmacosx on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 10:21:28 +0200

node.js+postman simply simulates the interaction between HTTP server and client

When an application (client) needs a resource, it can obtain the resource from a server through http request. The server that provides resources is the web server (created with node.js in this paper). postman is used to simulate the client to send requests to the server. 1, Build HTTP server on node node uses the HTTP module to create ...

Added by trock74 on Mon, 10 Jan 2022 17:19:07 +0200

Flask framework - Restful, PostMan tools

1.Restful Restful API is a set of specifications used to communicate between the front end and the background. It can provide web services for all clients through a unified interface, realize the separation of front and back ends, and save development time. The restful API is provided by the background, that is, SERVER, and called by the front ...

Added by claire on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 10:47:17 +0200

The real difference between #{} and ${} in MyBaits, the usage scenario of ${}, and #{} how to prevent injection

1, The difference between ${} and #{} in MyBatis 1.1 ${} and #{} demo Database data: dao interface: List<User> findByUsername(String username); List<User> findByUsername2(String username); Mapper.xml: <!-- use#{} --> <select id="findByUsername" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultType="com.lscl.entity.User"& ...

Added by MerMer on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 11:58:56 +0200

10 minutes, using node JS creates a real-time early warning system for bad weather!

Some time ago, many disasters occurred in China. Zhengzhou high tech Zone, where we were at that time, experienced the situation of water and power failure. It's frightening to think of it!Therefore, it was decided to build a complete real-time weather early warning project, mainly using node JS and the third-party free interface for aggregatin ...

Added by comtek on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 17:15:35 +0200