[lua language from bronze to king] Part 2: building a development environment + examples of three editors

preface In the previous chapter, we introduced the past and present lives of lua. Although we didn't see many small partners, we didn't recommend it, and there was no traffic; Most people think there is no nutrition. In fact, I personally don't think so: "if you like a language, do you need to understand the origin of the language; why di ...

Added by edkellett on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 09:22:42 +0200

Basic notes of Flutter

Common properties and methods in List: /* List Common attributes and methods: Common attributes: length length reversed Flip isEmpty Is it empty isNotEmpty Is it not empty Common methods: add increase addAll Splice array indexOf Find the ...

Added by simpli on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 02:03:28 +0200

Shallow in deep out Python decorator [super detailed content + rich sample code]

When we use a flash like framework, we must have come across such code: @app.route('/') def index(): return '<h1>Hello World!</h1>' Here's @ app Route () is the syntax sugar of the modifier. As for the modifier of Python, I believe many people know its existence and usage like me, but they don't have a deep understanding. This ...

Added by kippy on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 11:32:47 +0200

7 JavaScript Design Patterns

From: Micro reading https://www.weidianyuedu.com/content/4017485010725.html It is appropriate for developers to use JavaScript Design Patterns as templates to solve problems, but it does not mean that these patterns can replace the work of developers. Through design patterns, we can combine the experience of many developers to construct cod ...

Added by DeltaRho2K on Sun, 06 Feb 2022 07:27:29 +0200

Artificial intelligence and intelligent systems 2 - > robotics 2 | time and motion

After learning the third chapter of Robotics, Vision and Control, I found that the book has supporting videos. It's hard to read the second chapter. I have a hard understanding of many places. Now I'm going to have a good look at the videos and take notes as a supplement. References for this series: <Robotics, Vision and Control> Open ...

Added by remmargorp on Sat, 05 Feb 2022 21:03:08 +0200

Day 24 of leetcode brushing - 1725, 47, 39, 40

Day 24 1725 number of rectangles that can form the largest square Give you an array of rectangles, where rectangles[i] = [li, wi] indicates that the length of the ith rectangle is li and the width is wi. If k satisfies both k < = Li and k < = wi, the i-th rectangle can be cut into a square with side length k. For example, a rectangle [ ...

Added by TheWart on Fri, 04 Feb 2022 11:49:58 +0200

[final review] ⚡ Exam month is coming! C language review, this one takes you to escape from the hanging section! (end)

I'm back! Less than 4 hours after the last blog post was sent out, this blog post has started again. I hope it will be smooth and smooth. Run away from the hanging section! 😢 If you haven't seen the link in the previous section, you can jump~ C language review (Part I) Oh, this one will follow the last one~ If you need source files, you ca ...

Added by BlackenedSky on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 03:38:21 +0200

Detailed explanation of expression (csp-j 2021 expr)

First move the topic from the valley of Los Angeles Title Description Little C is keen on learning mathematical logic. One day, he found a special logical expression. In this logical expression, all operands are variables, and their values can only be , 0 , or , 1. The operation is carried out from left to right. If there are parentheses i ...

Added by mpb001 on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 06:04:53 +0200

Java basic syntax 2

Java basic syntax 1 type conversion In Java, some data types can be converted to each other. There are two cases: automatic type conversion and forced type conversion. 1.1 implicit transformation (understanding) Assign a value or variable representing a small data range to another variable representing a large data range. This conversion mo ...

Added by poison6feet on Tue, 01 Feb 2022 20:53:55 +0200

Sonar scan plug-in custom extension

  Ali published a popular Java development manual. pdf a long time ago, which defines many development specifications, of which the most basic specifications must be observed. Ali has issued a set of Sonar plug-ins to help scan   The essence of the development plug-in is to use the entry left by the source designer to get the source event ...

Added by darknessmdk on Tue, 01 Feb 2022 17:13:00 +0200