Reinforcement learning - from Q-Learning to DQN(Deep Q-Network)

Reinforcement learning - from Q-Learning to DQN(Deep Q-Network) Reinforcement learning is a kind of learning that maps from environment state to action. The goal is to maximize the cumulative reward in the process of agent interaction with environment. This process can be explained as that at time t, the agent agent makes an action based on th ...

Added by alvinphp on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 00:08:38 +0200

Python used to be so simple

Python used to be so simple (5) Introduction to Python string data types and various operations (splicing, intercepting and escaping characters) A large part of the operations in Python are related to string operations. Whether it is data acquisition, data processing, and finally to the presentation of data, it is inseparable from the ...

Added by fredfish666 on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 23:01:18 +0200

Customize your exclusive QR code in depth with one line of code: (amzqr, MyQR make dynamic QR code)

Original link: When visiting github, orange fungus found a fun Python library that can be used to make QR codes with background pictures or dynamic pictures. This library is also published on pypi and can be installed directly through pip: python -m pip install amzqr Import a module with the name "a ...

Added by belaraka on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 21:42:40 +0200

Python Getting Started Notes

brief introduction Python is a very simple language. Python is an interpretive language that uses indentation alignment to organize code execution. 1, 6 standard data types: Number String List Tuple Sets Dictionary Where, Number String Tuple Sets is immutable data List Dictionart is variable data 2. Basic grammar: Operat ...

Added by mfacer on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 21:08:17 +0200

Course design of data structure and algorithm -- Huffman coding

1, Title Huffman codec 2, Experimental purpose Master Huffman coding principle.Master the generation method of Huffman tree.Understand the implementation of data coding, compression and decoding output coding. 3, Demand analysis Initialization. Read the character set size n, n characters and N weights from the terminal, establish the Huffm ...

Added by IRON FART on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 21:02:07 +0200

One of the foundations of deep learning is a neuron

neuron    the most basic concept in deep learning: neuron, the popular neural network, is almost composed of neurons combined in different ways. A complete neuron is mainly composed of two parts, namely linear function and excitation function.    linear function:      y = wX + b       the formulas o ...

Added by scm24 on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 19:49:58 +0200

Blue bridge cup-2018-flight time-c + + / Java / Python 3

Title Description Xiao h went to the United States to participate in the blue bridge cup international competition. Little h's girlfriend found that little h left at 10 a.m. and arrived in the United States at 12 a.m., so she sighed, "now the plane flies so fast that it can get to the United States in two hours.". Little h was terri ...

Added by Galahad on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 19:10:48 +0200

Python 3 Chapter 6: data coding and processing

Chapter 6: data coding and processing 6.1 reading and writing CSV data problem You want to read and write a CSV file. Solution For most data reading and writing problems in csv format, you can use csv library. For example, suppose you are in a place called stocks There are some stock market data in the csv file, like this: Symbol,Pric ...

Added by rbeschizza on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 18:09:42 +0200

[Python crawler advanced learning] - JS reverse hundred examples - nested layer by layer, RSA encryption in an accelerated mall

  statement All contents in this article are for learning and communication only. Sensitive websites and data interfaces have been desensitized. It is strictly prohibited to use them for commercial and illegal purposes. Otherwise, all consequences arising therefrom have nothing to do with the author. If there is infringement, please contact ...

Added by jmanfffreak on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 17:46:59 +0200

[Python learning] 2022-1-20 - Fundamentals of Python - file operation, file operation related modules, pickle, csv file reading and writing, os and os Path, walk, shutil, recursive directory tree

File operation 1. Text file The text file stores ordinary "character" text. The default is unicode character set (two bytes represent one character, up to 65536), which can be opened by Notepad program. However, documents edited by word software are not text files. 2. Binary files Binary files store the data content in "bytes&quo ...

Added by Dave96 on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 15:18:25 +0200