Learning docker from scratch Introduction to Docker Compose

We start with this section with a very important tool, Docker Compose, which is used frequently. Let's start with a case study of why we use Docker Compose. Case study: How do I deploy a WordPress via a container? Now pull WordPress locally: docker pull wordpress docker image ls REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID ...

Added by mlavwilson on Wed, 03 Jul 2019 19:50:25 +0300

(High concurrency detection) 2. redis cluster deployment.

1. Node planning: Two ways: one master + many slaves, many to many slaves, the second way to share the master node, easy to expand and reduce capacity. Container name container IP address Map port number Service Running Mode Redis-master1 6391->6379,16391->6379 master ...

Added by bluetonic on Tue, 02 Jul 2019 19:06:01 +0300

Why did it take 5 hours for the final release plus verification, which was originally expected to be released in an hour?

This is a simple story of data production import, the original story should be as follows: data collation - > test verification - > production release - > production verification, and then back to home, so this should be a plain story, but in fact it has become the following plot: data collation - > test verification - > producti ...

Added by simonb on Fri, 28 Jun 2019 01:05:12 +0300

Introduction to Redis String Type Command (1)

Summary Redis Introduction and Installation Reference: Introduction and installation of Redis String type is the most basic data type in Redis. It can store any form of string, including binary data. Introduction to Commands set command Syntax: SET key value [EX seconds] [PX milliseconds] [NX|XX] Initial version: 1.0.0 Summary: Set a ...

Added by flatpooks on Sat, 22 Jun 2019 02:36:58 +0300

Redis Cluster Building Instructions

Redis Cluster Building Instructions Using two virtual machines to simulate 6 nodes and one virtual machine to create 3 master and 3 salve environments Redis version: redis-3.2.4 linux version: CentOS 6.5 (, CentOS 7.0 ( 1. Download the redis installation package Installation package is attached, redis-3.2.4.tar.gz 2. ...

Added by mazman on Fri, 21 Jun 2019 02:10:19 +0300

Ali Yun redis Big key Search Tool

Redis provides a list, hash, zset and other complex types of data structures. When business is used, a key may be too large due to unreasonable key design. Because redis is a simple single-threaded model, business will have a certain impact on the acquisition or deletion of large keys. In addition, in cluster mode, the generation of large keys ...

Added by rahish on Mon, 17 Jun 2019 00:13:00 +0300

What Docker Networks and iptables have to say

Docker Network Model Docker has multiple network modes, including host, none,bridge Overay and so on. Next, we discuss the relationship between Docker network and iptables with Docker's default bridge network, Docker 0. Docker 0 network is a virtual bridge network built by Docker. The default gateway address is Docker's default net ...

Added by grilldor on Sun, 16 Jun 2019 04:25:56 +0300

Redis Cluster Configuration and Installation

Introduction to Redis Cluster: The Redis cluster is a distributed implementation with the following goals, sorted by design importance: * High performance and linear scalability of up to 1000 nodes.There is no proxy, asynchronous replication is used, and there is no merge when assigning values. *Acceptable write security: When a clien ...

Added by smilley654 on Sat, 15 Jun 2019 21:12:27 +0300

redis master-slave replication process and implementation of master-slave replication

1. The process of redis master-slave replication synchronization 1. Send a sync synchronization command from the service to the primary service to require full synchronization 2. When the primary service receives sync synchronization commands from the service, a subprocess of fork executes bgsave command (non-blocking) snapshot saving in the ...

Added by viveleroi0 on Sat, 15 Jun 2019 20:11:18 +0300

Using SETNX locks to prevent cached haemorrhage

SETNX is an instruction in Redis, called "Set If Not Exist", which sets value to key only when it does not exist, otherwise no operation is performed. SETNX can also be used to implement locks in Redis. Problem introduction Before introducing how to use SETNX to implement locks, let's consider the following question: Suppose we now ha ...

Added by Snorkel on Mon, 10 Jun 2019 04:47:19 +0300