4_ Making RNN s more effective

1, Stacked RNN from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import LSTM,Embedding,Dense # Set super parameters vocabulary = 10000 # There are 10000 words in the dictionary embedding_dim=32 # shape(x)=32, and the dimension of word vector x is 32 word_num = 500 # Each film review has 500 words. If it exceeds 500 words ...

Added by sicKo on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 09:20:14 +0200

[RNN architecture analysis] LSTM model

preface Understand the internal structure and calculation formula of LSTMMaster the use of LSTM tools in pytochUnderstand the advantages and disadvantages of LSTM LSTM (long short term memory), also known as long short term memory structure, is a variant of traditional RNN. Compared with classical RNN, it can effectively capture the seman ...

Added by tonga on Thu, 07 Oct 2021 08:00:49 +0300