The selenium geckodriver executable using Python must be in PATH

I'm a new programmer. I started to use Python about two months ago. Now I'm studying Sweigart's "automatically writing boring things in Python text". I am using IDLE and have installed selenium module and Firefox browser. Whenever I try to run the webdriver function, I get the following information: from selenium import webdriver b ...

Added by Dongowarrior on Fri, 14 Feb 2020 09:48:31 +0200

Selenium - POM mode, unittest framework

1, POM mode POM structure: Project name file: common folder: file: secondary encapsulation of selenium: 1. Open browser 2. Open address 3. Element positioning 4. Element operation page folder: 1. Encapsulate each page of the project folder: divide the page into three layers Presenta ...

Added by micah1701 on Thu, 13 Feb 2020 23:44:15 +0200

python crawler: specify automatic website registration, etc

Environment configuration: selenium library and browser driver (this article uses chrome driver) 1.pip install selenium Chrome driver domestic image download Official download of chrome driver 3. Unzip the downloaded driver (corresponding to your own browser version and system version: Correspon ...

Added by chawkimatta on Tue, 11 Feb 2020 15:26:10 +0200

360 search test case of unit test framework of Python 3 selenium automation

**I wrote the unit test framework of Baidu search** Python 3 selenium automation unit test Baidu search example details The previous article is relatively simple, and it is not often used in practical applications. The previous article is not parameterized. Today, I'll talk about the commonly used parameterizatio ...

Added by cptn_future on Tue, 31 Dec 2019 19:48:51 +0200

Python crawler battle, 60 lines of code crawl all-hero skin of the League of Heroes, looking for those once deleted out-of-date skin

After more than a week of crawling classes, the editor finally couldn't help but decide to write the crawler program manually. Just as LJ encouraged the students to share their results and rewarded their excellent works, he organized the crawl process of crawling high definition Wallpapers of major games with Python programming for submission a ...

Added by YOUAREtehSCENE on Sat, 28 Dec 2019 09:59:41 +0200

python crawler -- selenium module. Get up and move yourself!

selenium basic operation from selenium import webdriver from time import sleep #Instantiate a browser object bro = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=r'C:\pycahrm file\chromedriver.exe') url = '' #User initiated request bro.get(url) #Location tag search_input = bro.find_element_by_id('key') #Data interaction with the specifi ...

Added by damanic on Mon, 09 Dec 2019 00:02:57 +0200

C ා capture verification code picture

Using the DrawImage method in the Graphics class, there are 30 overload methods for this method. Only one is introduced here, which I think is the most intuitive one. The code is as follows: 1 using System.Drawing; 2 3 namespace kq.Utils 4 { 5 public static class CommonTools 6 { 7 8 public static Bitmap getVerifyCode( ...

Added by Oldiesmann on Sun, 01 Dec 2019 00:56:12 +0200

Using python to realize long screenshots of elements

I. objectives When browsing a web page, you can capture which element you see as a picture, no matter how long it is   II. Tools used and third party libraries python ,PIL,selenium pycharm III. code part Overall idea of long screenshot: 1. Get element 2. Move, screenshot, move, screenshot to the bottom of the element 3. Cut the screenshot acco ...

Added by curtis_b on Wed, 13 Nov 2019 11:54:06 +0200

toast processing of appium

Be careful toast is only supported by appium 1.6.3 or above, Android 5.0 or above (you need to use the yeshenduokai simulator), jdk1.8 and the environment variables are configured. toast location 1. First, look at what the toast looks like, as shown in the figure below. The pop-up message like "press again to exit" ...

Added by xenoalien on Mon, 11 Nov 2019 18:39:25 +0200

python crawler hotspot item - slider verification code item (take Bili as an example)

1. Simulated website: Bili bilibili video network: 2. Development environment This project needs to use io time random selenium PIL Please install the corresponding version of the library as follows. All other libraries are standard libraries. There is n ...

Added by Marsha on Sat, 26 Oct 2019 00:40:42 +0300