Sentinel sentinel integrates Gateway to realize Gateway flow control console and rule configuration

1. Introduction The gateway is the common entrance for all requests, so the current can be limited in the gateway, and there are many ways to limit the current. The current limit of the gateway is realized through sentinel component. Sentinel supports current limiting for spring cloud gateway, Zuul and other mainstream gateways. The curre ...

Added by sargenle on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 08:51:47 +0200

sentinel sliding window traffic statistics

StatisticSlot mainly counts two types of data:Number of threadsNumber of requests, i.e. QPSThe statistics of the number of threads is relatively simple. It is the statistics of the current number of threads through the internal maintenance of LongAdder. Add 1 for each thread, and subtract 1 after thread execution, so as to obtain the number of ...

Added by kts on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 16:48:05 +0200

Sentinel source code entry method analysis

Write in front In the previous chapter, we have analyzed how Sentinel makes SentinelResource annotation effective. One question is reserved. Each method annotated by SentinelResource will first call the following code in the surround notification entry = SphU.entry(resourceName, resourceType, entryType, pjp.getArgs()) , this article continu ...

Added by Drakla on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 15:42:45 +0200

sentinel overall workflow

1, ProcessorSlot responsibility chain in SentinelIn the previous article, we introduced seven kinds of ProcessorSlot in sentinel, which are divided into two categories: one is for data statistics, and the other is for degradation. Sentinel's overall workflow is to use the responsibility chain mode to form a one-way linked list of all processors ...

Added by access9 on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 07:09:23 +0200

Micro service series: Sentinel of Spring Cloud Alibaba detailed introduction

Micro service series: service gateway Spring Cloud Gateway integrated Sentinel current limiting In the previous study of Spring Cloud Gateway, we have used Sentinel for current limiting, but we have not learned Sentinel in detail, so we need to supplement this knowledge today. Don't say much, start today's study. Sentinel introduction Se ...

Added by ploppy on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 11:36:06 +0200

Sentinel dashboard Nacos dynamic data source - spring cloud gateway

Friendly tip: to download the source code for transformation, this paper is based on Sentinel-1.8.2. The following contents are extracted from personal technical documents, and relevant materials are mainly from spring cloud Alibaba and GitHub sentinel. The text is part of the excerpts for reference only. 4.1.2. Gateway flow control Gateway ...

Added by JCF22Lyoko on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 10:43:06 +0200

Let's talk about how to integrate spring MVC and sentinel through custom annotations

prefaceI wrote an article before Talk about the pit you stepped on due to the improper use of alibaba sentinel . In fact, there are some pitfalls because sentinel is based on mvc interceptors during mvc project statistics. This method will make it difficult to obtain parameters, such as hotspot parameter rules. Therefore, the @ SentinelResourc ...

Added by kevincompton on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 05:27:48 +0200

Sentinel depth analysis algorithm in flow control

    Sentinel's flow control is to monitor the QPS of application traffic or the number of concurrent threads. When the specified threshold is reached, it controls the flow to avoid being overwhelmed by the instantaneous flow peak, so as to ensure high availability.     This paper analyzes the flow control algorith ...

Added by Carterhost on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 23:37:46 +0200

redis sentry high availability deployment scheme

redis high availability cluster deployment scheme 1. redis installation and deployment redis installation is recommended to use source code compilation and installation, which is applicable to most linux systems # To download the redis file, it is recommended to create a new folder where you want to install it, and then download it to the fo ...

Added by Asinox on Tue, 12 Oct 2021 10:04:20 +0300