cmake, cpp compilation, so

Introduction to CMake - know almost 0 Sequential CMake is a cross platform open source construction tool. Using CMake can easily manage the directory hierarchy that depends on multiple libraries, generate makefile s, and use GNU make to compile and connect programs. 1. Build a single file 1.1 compile using GCC suppose now we want to write a fun ...

Added by will_1990 on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 11:44:07 +0200

Thoroughly understand what cross domain is and how to solve cross domain problems

Homology strategy Browsers have homology policy restrictions. The same origin policy is a kind of convention. It is the core and basic security function of the browser. If the same origin policy is missing, the normal functions of the browser may be affected. The same origin policy prevents JavaScript scripts in one domain from in ...

Added by myshoala on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 04:01:01 +0200

From IO to NIO to Netty

1, IO, NIO, Netty features 1.IO 1. Server blocking point server.accept(); When getting socket, InputStream read(bytes); When the input stream reads data 2. The traditional socket is a short connection and can be used as a short connection server. It cannot make a long connection. It belongs to the ask and answer mode. For example, the u ...

Added by unstable_geek on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 18:29:29 +0200

Linux user and rights management

This is the second article in the linux series. I thought Shell would be OK after writing it. But after careful combing, I found that I either knew a little about Linux or forgot it. In that case, you'd better review what you encounter. This paper attempts to solve the following problems How to do user management in LinuxRelationship between u ...

Added by telvitajoel on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 17:39:54 +0200

Comprehensive experiment of mgre and ospf in ensp

catalogue 1, Experimental environment 2, Experimental requirements 3, Experimental steps 1. Reasonably divide network segments 2. Configure the specific network segment address          3. Configure MGRE structure of R1, R4 and R5          4. Configure MGRE structure of R1, R2 and R3 5. Manually write a default route to the isp 6. Turn ...

Added by mikegzarejoyce on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 14:30:02 +0200

Java web learning notes (request and response)

HttpServletResponse object In the Servlet API, a GttpServletResponse interface is defined, which inherits the word ServletResponse and is used to encapsulate HTTP response messages. Method for transmitting status code When the Servlet sends back the response message to the client, it is necessary to set the status code in the response me ...

Added by smacpettit on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 13:17:17 +0200

/etc/rancher/node/password try enabling a unique node name with the --with-node-id flag

[root@localhost tls]# k3s -v k3s version v1.22.5+k3s1 (405bf79d) go version go1.16.10 My k3s version 1.22.5+k3s1 At k3s v1 After 20.2 Rancher Docs: Architecture How proxy node registration works The agent node registers with the websocket connection started by the k3s agent process, and the connection is maintained by the client load bal ...

Added by snowdog on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 08:38:50 +0200

Routine work performed by loop crond

1, The routine work scheduling of loop execution is controlled by the system service crond. We can also restrict the use of crontab user accounts. /etc/cron.allow writes the account that can use crontab into it. If the user is not in the file, crontab cannot be used. /etc/cron.deny writes accounts that cannot use crontab into it. Users who are ...

Added by w00kie on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 05:00:09 +0200

RH358 configure Web server -- configure Web server using Nginx

RH358 configure Web server – configure Web server using Nginx Introduce the basic application and configuration of Nginx. As a basis for understanding and application. 1. Install Nginx Nginx is an alternative to Apache HTTP server and one of the most widely used web servers on the Internet. One of its design goals is to provid ...

Added by SilverFoxDesign on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 19:34:28 +0200

Tinyhttpd study notes

Tinyhttpd Tinyhttpd is a micro Web server written by J. David Blackstone in 1999, which realizes the function of a simple Http server. Its source code comes from SourceForge . This article is a version of learning notes found by the author on Github. The Github warehouse address is . With the help ...

Added by jibster on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 13:58:48 +0200