Detailed Explanation of Session's update Method in Hibernate Learning Notes V

Detailed Explanation of Session's update Method in Hibernate Learning Notes V In the previous study, we used Session's save method to transform objects from tansient state to persistent state. Now let's learn Session's update method. In the hibernate api document, the Session interface provides two overloaded update methods, which are a ...

Added by varun8211 on Wed, 22 May 2019 01:50:56 +0300

iOS Close Real-time Communication Solution

Preface Recently, we have studied the close real-time communication between iOS devices, and have understood its solution. The following is arranged: AirDrop is often used to share pictures and videos between iOS/OS X systems, but its real-time performance is poor.CoreBluetooth has a smaller bandwidth.GameKit has been disca ...

Added by michaewlewis on Sun, 19 May 2019 18:54:18 +0300

How to Use Object Method in JavaScript

Original text: How To Use Object Methods in JavaScriptAuthor: Tania RasciaTranslator: Boxuan introduce In JavaScript, object Is a collection of key/value pairs. Values can contain attributes and methods, and can contain all other JavaScript data types, such as strings, numbers, and Boolean values. All objects in JavaScript come from the parent ...

Added by chewydence on Sun, 19 May 2019 15:48:24 +0300

java distributed system deployment learning (6) ansible Ad-hoc and commands module

Ad-Hoc refers to a command executed temporarily under ansible and does not need to be saved. playbook is said after complex commands. When it comes to Ad-hoc, we need to mention modules. All command execution depends on pre-written modules. The default installed ansible already has many modules, such as command, raw, sh ...

Added by mikusan on Sun, 19 May 2019 07:26:17 +0300

SpringBoot uses Druid connection pool

Druid Spring Boot Starter Druid Spring Boot Starter is used to help you easily integrate Druid database connection pool and monitoring in Spring Boot project. How to use Add druid-spring-boot-starter dependencies to Spring Book projects Maven <dependency> <groupId></groupId> & ...

Added by wit77 on Sun, 19 May 2019 03:58:46 +0300

Spring boot introduction: integration of Shiro to achieve login authentication and rights management

This article is followed by the last blog: Introduction to Spring boot (3): Spring boot integration combined with AdminLTE(Freemarker), using generation to automatically generate code, using DataTable and Page Helper for paging display . According to the previous blog, we can build a simple Spring Boot system. This blog continues to transfor ...

Added by XZer0cool on Sat, 18 May 2019 06:38:44 +0300

ThreadLocal Analysis of Java Multithreading

1. Understanding ThreadLocal ThreadLocal, also known as thread local variables or thread local storage. ThreadLocal creates a copy of the variable in each thread, so each thread can access its own internal copy variable. Let's start with an example: class ConnectionManager { private static Connection connect = null; ...

Added by nickk on Thu, 16 May 2019 22:35:21 +0300

Introduction and Use of SpringBoot-WebSocket-STMOP

brief introduction WebSocket: It is a network communication protocol. Servers can actively push information to clients, and clients can also actively send information to servers. details sockjs-client: js library, which can simulate support for WebSocket if the browser does not support WebSocket github STOMP: Simple (Streaming) Text Ori ...

Added by comcentury on Thu, 16 May 2019 09:43:30 +0300

PHP Full Stack Learning Notes 4

PHP and JavaScript, master JavaScript foundation, custom functions, process control statements, events, call JavaScript scripts, use JavaScript in PHP. JavaScript, developed by Netscape, is an interpreted scripting language based on object and event driven and with security performance. JavaScript Foundation, Data Types, Variables, Annotatio ...

Added by wiggly81 on Thu, 16 May 2019 00:18:55 +0300

docker swarm modifies cluster ip

Summary The thing is, the original ip of the cluster running docker swarm on Shumei pie was, and then because of the move, the ip became The next thing you can think of is that node and manager are definitely not connected. So I moved the node out of the cluster and rejoined it, but the join token command at that ...

Added by sargus on Wed, 15 May 2019 06:00:38 +0300