MyBlog background development

Java back end interface and Vue front end 1. See the effect first publish an article Background login Blog details Java back end interface development: Using springboot+mybaitsPlus+shiro+jwt+lombok+redis; database mysql5.7+ Here, we use IDEA to develop the background interface. It's easy to create a ...

Added by sergio-pro on Sat, 20 Jun 2020 10:11:20 +0300

Let your code tell its story

Yunqi information:[ Click to see more industry information]Here you can find the first-hand cloud information of different industries. What are you waiting for? Come on! Now it's easy to manage the state in the React functional component with Hooks. I've written about "using custom Hooks as a service" and "functional programming ...

Added by stukov on Tue, 16 Jun 2020 08:37:36 +0300

Notes on Python Programming: from introduction to practice

Learning notes from "Python Programming: from introduction to practice" (by Eric Matthes of the United States). Mainly for Python 3. Python uses indentation to determine the relationship between a line of code and the previous line of code. In the previous example, the lines of code that d ...

Added by cli_man on Sun, 14 Jun 2020 06:59:49 +0300

Logue P3796: AC automaton template (enhanced)

2020.6.13 This paper borrows @ hyfhaha's idea of problem solving. The day before yesterday, I went back to school to see my teacher. They were all the same. They didn't change at all. The teacher was also very happy to see us. He left us to study at night and then let us go. A-Level class asked cs about ...

Added by iamtom on Sat, 13 Jun 2020 07:40:35 +0300

Kafka Java client use

Article catalog 1. Common configuration 2. kafka-clients 2.1 producers 2.2 consumers 2.3 multithreading 1. Common configuration producer to configure describe type Default bootstrap.servers It is used to establish the connection with kafka cluster and only affects the hosts used for init ...

Added by Gmans on Sat, 13 Jun 2020 07:34:03 +0300

Detailed process of springboot framework building

1. Create 1.1 Create a new springboot project, as shown in the figure. 1.2 Select Spring Initializr. 1.3 Fill in Group, Artifact, and Name, where you choose the default, then click next, as shown in the following image. 1.4 Choose the components you want: The basic components are the web and web s ...

Added by Jax2 on Thu, 11 Jun 2020 19:19:20 +0300

Docker network (docker learning notes)

Article catalog 1. Configure container network 2. Access containers through port mapping 3. Configure container interconnection 4. Create a point-to-point connection 1, Task description 1. Learn about Docker container network and how to configure basic network, including how to create network name ...

Added by nicephotog on Wed, 10 Jun 2020 07:51:06 +0300

django user authentication component auth

brief introduction django provides a very useful component which is responsible for the full set of functions of user login authentication, which is the auth component. With the auth component, we no longer need to manually write the login check decorator, nor set session s manually to save user state. The django project executes the databas ...

Added by oughost on Wed, 10 Jun 2020 04:51:49 +0300

spring session + redis to realize distributed session

introduction In general, in order to solve a single point of failure, web applications in the production environment will be deployed on multiple platforms, so there will be a problem. When we log in, we will store the login information in the session. If we rely on the session in the native web con ...

Added by mouloud2001 on Tue, 09 Jun 2020 05:20:25 +0300

Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies from entry to mastery

Original text: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies from entry to mastery (2) Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies from entry to mastery (2) catalog Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies from entry to mastery (2) Cookie encryption Cookie pseudo encryption (serialization / deserialization) ...

Added by DragonHighLord on Sat, 30 May 2020 06:26:04 +0300