Simple Chat Room (express Framework) Based on Websocket

Recently, I wanted to write something interesting, so I finished this simple, not very beautiful gadget. First you have to make sure that your computer has node s, and then you can do things step by step.~~ 1. Create a folder 2. Clear the current folder address bar and enter cmd.exe in the folder address bar 3. We need to download a little some ...

Added by lucidfx on Sat, 08 Jun 2019 05:03:19 +0300

How to Write and Use kiss-rpc IDL Protocol

What is IDL 1. IDL is the kiss rpc interface code generation protocol. Writing IDL protocol can generate the corresponding common RPC code invocation interface between the server and the client. Generating the corresponding flatbuffer protocol interface. 2. Unification of specifications, unification of interfaces, simplicity of use, functional ...

Added by metin on Sat, 08 Jun 2019 01:01:25 +0300

netty--Coding and Decoding Technology

Encoding and decoding technology is simply java serialization technology. There are two purposes of serialization, one is network transmission, the other is object persistence. We can say that we use java serialization and use netty for transmission, but java serialization has too many disadvantages. For example: java serialization can not cros ...

Added by VMinder on Thu, 06 Jun 2019 23:06:26 +0300

linux Operations, Maintenance and Architecture - rsync

1. Introduction to rsync rsync is a tool for synchronous backup of full and incremental local or remote data mirrors   Common command parameters for rsync Description of command parameter parameters - a (- archive) archive mode, which means that files are transmitted recursively and all file attributes are preserved, equal to rtopgDl - V (- ...

Added by xmitchx on Thu, 06 Jun 2019 03:31:29 +0300

Use of Two Modes of Famous Pipeline

Preface Interprocess Communication (IPC) refers to the dissemination or exchange of information between different processes.The main ways are pipes (including nameless pipes, advanced pipes and named pipes), message queues, semaphores, shared memory, sockets, etc. Socket can be used for inter-process communication on different hosts.The main pu ...

Added by Ascendancy on Mon, 03 Jun 2019 02:30:11 +0300

RILD - Chapter 7 - RILProxy

RilProxy For MTK platform, there is a RilProxy layer between RILC and RILJ. One advantage of using proxy is that in the upper layer, not only RILJ and RILC are connected through Socket, but also other places can connect with RILC to communicate with the lower level Modem, such as sending commands directly to Modem through terminal ATCI inter ...

Added by achintha on Sun, 02 Jun 2019 01:13:35 +0300

RILD - Chapter 5 - A complete request process

V. A Complete Process A complete process consists of the following four steps: 1. Eventloop receives RILJ requests and sends them to the reference library: RILJ -> Eventloop -> reference 2. Reference is responsible for converting commands into AT commands and sending them to Modem: reference -> Modem 3. reference receives a modem ...

Added by happypete on Sun, 02 Jun 2019 01:07:10 +0300

Obtaining ip addresses of all devices in the network through UDP broadcasting

Explain: Source download address: Source code usage instructions, first run server-side program on the host that needs to get IP address, and then run client-side program on Pc that needs to search for host. This paper is a windows version, VC++, debugged successfully in VS2010 environment. ...

Added by jansky on Wed, 29 May 2019 13:08:13 +0300

Experimental Report on Network Programming and Security of Experiment 5, No. 20175313

Catalog I. Experimental Contents II. EXPERIMENTAL STEPS 3. Key Code Parsing 4. Screenshots of experimental results 4. Problems and Solutions in the Process of Experiments 5. Experience 6. Code Cloud Link VII. References I. Experimental Contents Task 1: Impleme ...

Added by theBond on Sun, 26 May 2019 22:42:39 +0300

okhttp source code analysis (1) - basic process (super-detailed)

Preface Recently, it is a pit in the source code. What always wants to hold down the ctrl to see the source code. During this period of time, we studied the source code of okhttp, and found that the source code of okhttp is not easy to gnaw down in a few days, so let's go step by step. This blog mainly analyses the execution process of the s ...

Added by Bryan Ando on Tue, 21 May 2019 02:35:13 +0300