[source code matters] learn the underlying source code of LinkedList easily. What are you waiting for

⭐ Write in front This is the way to learn the source code of Wenwen al👍 If it helps you, give the blogger a free praise to encourage QAQ👋 Blog home page 🎉 Winwin El learning house⭐ More articles 👨‍🎓 Stay tuned to wenwendell's home page🍅 Article release date: December 2021 sixteen👋 java learning road!🔎 For more articles, pleas ...

Added by psn on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 13:53:49 +0200

Mongoose source code analysis (type conversion part)

Mongoose source code The bottom layer of Mongoose is written in javaScript. javaScript has only one Number type, Number, which can be integer or decimal, so Mongoose is the same number section: This part is the process of number converting different types into number Mongoose is a further optimized encapsulation of the Node's native Mongo ...

Added by JovanLo on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 09:52:48 +0200

Rxjava source code analysis - thread switching source code

summary The source code of rxjava simple subscribe has been mentioned earlier. Interested readers can have a look. Rxjava source code analysis (I) - subscribe source code Based on the previous analysis, this article will continue to talk about rxjava interrupt thread switching. Demo The main logic is as follows: Observable calls create() t ...

Added by itreP on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 14:12:24 +0200

The underlying principle of SpringBoot. After reading it, I found that I doubt life

SpringBoot is a very popular scaffold at present. It can be seen from the name that it is encapsulated based on the Spring framework. I believe everyone should be able to give some reasons for using it and know some of its features or advantages, but how does its bottom support these features? Today, let's learn how it works at the bottom. Firs ...

Added by foobar on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 21:30:47 +0200

[source code analysis] talk about your understanding of MyBatis result set mapping and parameter binding

[total] MyBatis result set mapping is that in the process of MyBatis parsing Mapper.xml mapping file, < ResultMap > tag will be parsed into ResultMap object. After MyBatis executes a select statement and obtains the ResultSet result set, it will be handed over to the associated ResultSetHandler for subsequent mapping processing. ResultSet ...

Added by melefire on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 19:30:54 +0200

Mybatis source code learning - plugin package

Mybatis series article navigation MyBatis provides plug-in functions, allowing other developers to develop plug-ins for MyBatis to extend the functions of MyBatis. With this plug-in function, developers can extend the functions of MyBatis. Develop a plug-in Before learning the source code, we must first know what functions it has and w ...

Added by name1090 on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 16:18:27 +0200

Detailed explanation of virtual DOM and Diff algorithm

Recently, I reviewed virtual DOM and Diff and read many materials. I hereby summarize this long article to deepen my understanding of vue. This article makes a detailed analysis of vue's virtual DOM and Diff algorithm. Some of the key parts are illustrated by moving some diagrams from elsewhere (thanks to the drawing boss), and also contains a ...

Added by jeankaleb on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 09:55:43 +0200

[source code reading | 04] update notifier check package update

1. Scene   used to convert the current package Compare the package in JSON with the package management tool library (such as npm). If there is a package that can be updated, you will be prompted. 2. Use 1) Installation $ npm install update-notifier 2) Use const updateNotifier = require('update-notifier'); const pkg = require('./pack ...

Added by ijmccoy on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 16:06:06 +0200

The most detailed dynamic Proxy analysis in Java -- Proxy

Next is the source code analysis. Before analysis, you must understand the agent mode. What is the proxy model Proxy pattern is a common design pattern in java. Its feature is that the proxy class has the same interface as the delegate class. If other classes want to access this class, they must first pass through the proxy class. In some ca ...

Added by mrneilrobinson on Mon, 13 Dec 2021 09:05:22 +0200

This article takes you through the use and source code of Java thread pool

Problems encountered in using a single thread (new Thread().start): Frequent creation and destruction of threadsThread execution data is large and high-frequency, and CPU context switching is frequent, resulting in a waste of CPU resources The above problems make us wonder how to reuse threads and introduce pool technology For example: connec ...

Added by manny on Sat, 11 Dec 2021 06:34:10 +0200