The underlying principle of SpringBoot. After reading it, I found that I doubt life

SpringBoot is a very popular scaffold at present. It can be seen from the name that it is encapsulated based on the Spring framework. I believe everyone should be able to give some reasons for using it and know some of its features or advantages, but how does its bottom support these features? Today, let's learn how it works at the bottom. Firs ...

Added by foobar on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 21:30:47 +0200

[spring 41 / 43] - Analysis of interface architecture related to ApplicationContext

Quote the original text: [dieke Spring 41/43] - Analysis of interface architecture related to ApplicationContext text In the previous 30 blogs, the analysis is based on the BeanFactory container. The BeanFactory container is a little simple. It is not suitable for our production environment ...

Added by tomdelonge on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 19:31:34 +0200

springboot: will @ Async execute asynchronously when using nested asynchronous annotations

1, Introduction In the previous article[ springboot: those pits that use asynchronous annotation @ Async >The incorrect usage of using @ Async annotation to obtain task execution results is introduced in. Today, let's share another common error. 2, Code demonstration Here is the code of my controller, package com.atssg.controller; impor ...

Added by keegan on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 19:20:15 +0200

Design and implementation of single sign on system for 09 micro service version

brief introduction Background analysis In the traditional login system, each site implements its own special login module. The login status of each site does not recognize each other, and each site needs to log in manually one by one. For example: Such a system is also called multipoint login system. The application is relatively cumbers ...

Added by Amtran on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 18:35:51 +0200

[Spring Boot quick start] Spring Boot integrates Druid data monitoring

preface   Druid Spring Boot Starter is used to help you easily integrate Druid database connection pool and monitoring in Spring Boot projects. This article will integrate Druid with Spring Boot for data source monitoring. First met Druid    Druid is a JDBC application component open source by Alibaba. It includes three parts: ...

Added by Tryfan on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 14:56:07 +0200

Connecting Spring

Connecting Spring (1) Connecting Spring (2) 1, Integrate MyBatis The integration process is equivalent to transferring some contents written in the MyBatis configuration file to the Spring configuration file. Instead of creating objects through code, various MyBatis classes use the < bean > tag to create beans. Change the SqlSession ...

Added by Lord Sauron on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 13:57:33 +0200

Initial spring+ioc --- organize notes

Spring 1, Initial Spring 1.0 front installation 1.framework Search spring through the browser and enter the official website Select spring framework from the project drop-down box on the home page Click the GitHub icon in the framework interface to enter GitHub to download the framework Click tags on the GitHub interface of ...

Added by morris520 on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 04:40:56 +0200

spring security integrates cas to achieve single sign on

Recently, I took a task. The company made a lot of systems for customers, and later made a general business system for external sales. Therefore, we need to make a demonstration system to put all business systems into the demonstration system. Users can access any business system after logging in to the demonstration system. This sounds like a ...

Added by Jabop on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 03:12:18 +0200

SpringCloud Alibaba combat from scratch (59) -- differences, relations and applications of filter, interceptor and AOP

preface When implementing some common logic, many functions can be implemented through filters, interceptors and AOP, but different methods have different efficiency. See the description below for the specific difference. filter The filter intercepts URL s The custom Filter in Spring generally has only one method, and the return value i ...

Added by tipjones on Sat, 18 Dec 2021 14:05:55 +0200

[java spring] bean definition

Singleton bean and multi instance bean: Singleton means that only one instance object of a class can exist in a program cycle. Multiple instances means that there can be multiple instance objects. In the xml definition of a bean, we can specify whether a bean is singleton or multi instance by setting the scope attribute. Where prototype repr ...

Added by xadmin on Sat, 18 Dec 2021 13:57:10 +0200