Resolution of Cross-domain Problems in Springboot (Response to preflight request does't pass access control check)

Solving Cross-domain Problems in Springboot Can't wait, just jump to the conclusion, thank you!!! 1.background 1.1 Use the technology stack Spring SecuritySpringbootVue.axiosJwt 1.2 Key Codes Spring Security implements JWT validation Configuration class related code package; import org.springframework.beans.fact ...

Added by rtconner on Tue, 05 Oct 2021 20:18:15 +0300

Day2021-10-04 (getting started with spring IOC)

3. Spring 3.1 general IoC: control inversion, which reverses the right to create objects from new to spring.IoC core: manage the life cycle of objects and the relationship between objects (injection) 3.2 introduction case: basic case Objective: to write an introduction to spring IoC Steps: Write the function implementation class and ...

Added by CurrierSites on Tue, 05 Oct 2021 04:51:19 +0300

[Java Foundation] How to accept an array or collection in the background by the front end (case details)

[ChenRen tries hard]: hello, I'm ChenRen. I'm glad you can read it. Nickname is that I hope I can keep improving and move forward to excellent programmers! The blog comes from the summary of problems encountered in the project and programming. Occasionally there will be reading and sharing. I will update the summary of relevant knowledge point ...

Added by Sakujou on Tue, 05 Oct 2021 03:05:59 +0300

Niuke community project (development and registration function)

When the project is complex, you need to change your thinking and disassemble the problem. The function is mainly divided into three aspects: the first is to visit the registration page, the second is to submit registration data, and the third is to activate the registration account. Or according to the three-tier logic. Further refinement is: ...

Added by anonymouse on Sun, 03 Oct 2021 22:57:20 +0300

Learn spring 5 architecture from scratch -- Bean scope and automatic assembly technology

Scope of Bean In Spring, the main bodies that make up the application and the objects managed by the Spring IOC container are called bean s. Simply put, a bean is an object initialized, assembled, and managed by the IOC container Among the several scopes, the request and session scopes are only used in web-based applications (don't care what ...

Added by jronyagz on Sat, 02 Oct 2021 00:39:52 +0300

Annotation and reflection

Annotation and reflection Comment: give people an explanation of the program so that people can better understand the program Annotation: it can not only give people an explanation of the program, but also be recognized by the compiler and check the constraint code Format of Annotation: @Comment name (some special parameter values can be ad ...

Added by ishboo on Fri, 01 Oct 2021 07:35:37 +0300

Table splitting based on springboot+sharding jdbc +spring data jpa

Table splitting based on springboot+sharding jdbc +spring data jpa background The IOT PC rental project in the charge of the blogger did not consider this aspect in the code design because the product said it did not need to support the multi tenant mode in the design stage. Suddenly, some time ago, gou product said it needed to do this mode. ...

Added by nor0101 on Thu, 30 Sep 2021 04:56:37 +0300

In spring boot yaml format, the eureka client configures the default zone and reports an error

This article is an original article of Joshua 317. Please note: reprinted from Joshua 317 blog In spring boot yaml format, the eureka client configures the default zone and reports errors - Joshua 317's blog 1, Question When configuring eureka client, set the simple configuration of eureka client as follows: server: port: 8081 error: ...

Added by JonathanS on Wed, 29 Sep 2021 21:55:58 +0300

Message queue MQ -- Spring Boot integration RabbitMQ

Catalogue of series articles Message queue MQ (I) -- introduction, installation and use of management page of RabbitMQ Message queue MQ (II) -- Spring Boot integration RabbitMQ preface The full name of MQ is Message Queue. Message Queue is the communication method between applications. RabbitMQ is an open source implementation of AMQ ...

Added by jjk-duffy on Tue, 28 Sep 2021 11:12:56 +0300

java exception try, catch and finally execution order

1, try with return Scenario 1: (when the parameter is a basic type) private int testReturn1() { 2 int i = 1; 3 try { 4 i++; 5 System.out.println("try:" + i); 6 return i; 7 } catch (Exception e) { 8 i++; 9 System.out.println("catch:" + i); 10 } f ...

Added by lynn897 on Tue, 28 Sep 2021 05:46:13 +0300