Spring MVC restful style to realize addition, deletion, modification and query

Restful style: A software architecture style, design style, not a standard, only provides a set of design principles and constraints. It is mainly used for client and server interaction software. The software designed based on this style can be more concise, more hierarchical, and easier to implement caching and other mechanisms. URL definiti ...

Added by cyrixware on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 23:05:31 +0300

Spring IOC container startup process source code learning

1. Configuration class startup code: @Configuration @Import(value = {TulingService.class}) @ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.tuling.testspringiocstarter") public class MainConfig { @Bean public TulingDataSource tulingDataSource() { return new TulingDataSource(); } } public class MainClass { public static void main(St ...

Added by Cleanselol on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 07:02:05 +0300

Spring Bean life cycle apart from memorizing eight part essay for interview, can you really use it?

Some problems in the initialization and destruction of spring beans. Some bug s can be quickly solved under the Spring exception prompt, but they don't understand the underlying principleSome errors are not easy to be found in the development environment, resulting in serious consequences on the production line 1 implicit injection using cons ...

Added by niclarke on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 22:50:45 +0300

The next summary of the first Spring lesson

         IoC and DI are the basis of Spring. IoC is the abbreviation of Inversion of Control, which is translated as "control inversion", and others are translated as "control inversion" or "control inversion".         Spring manages through the IOC cont ...

Added by tsinka on Fri, 17 Sep 2021 06:55:20 +0300

di inject LoadBalancerClient class to realize load balancing, and use @ LoadBalanced annotation to realize load balancing of RestTemplate

Consumer service discovery and invocation 1. Import dependency <dependencies> <!-- Web service--> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId> </dependency> <!--Registration and discovery of service ...

Added by lorenzo-s on Thu, 16 Sep 2021 23:51:34 +0300

Season 3--Spring+Redis

Spring Content spring's AOP order Common Notes for AOP: @Before Pre-Notification: Execute before Target Method@After Post Notification: After Target Method Executes (Always Executes)@AfterReturning Return Notification: Execute before method end (exception not execute)@AfterThrowing exception notification: execute when an exception occurs@Aro ...

Added by jobe1 on Thu, 16 Sep 2021 23:11:16 +0300

mybatis study notes

MyBatis Chapter I framework overview 1. Three tier architecture Basic concepts of MVC In web development, mvc architecture pattern is used. Model: data, View: View, Controller: Controller Controller: receives the request, calls the service object, and displays the processing result of the request. Currently, the servlet is used as th ...

Added by adrian28uk on Thu, 16 Sep 2021 01:03:55 +0300

What is DataSource? What is DruidDataSource?

summary         DataSource is translated as a data source. It is an interface provided by jdk, and then only provides two getConnection methods, namely, no parameters and the user name and password that need to be passed in. Therefore, it is something related to database connection, which can be used to obtain database con ...

Added by gilsontech on Wed, 15 Sep 2021 23:15:01 +0300

Build and use SpringCloud environment

demo code address https://github.com/qinkuan/springcloudtest Catalog demo code addresshttps://github.com/qinkuan/springcloudtest What is SpringCloud Common components and roles in SpringCloud Maven Environment Preliminary Setup Use of Eruaka Use of Openfeign Use of Hystrix service degradation Service Fusion Use of Hystrix-dashboard ...

Added by saviiour on Sun, 12 Sep 2021 22:45:23 +0300

springboot uses filters and interceptors to design login-state interfaces

Scenario: You need to write a login-enabled interface to inject the token-to-object request into the Controller's method, similar to @RequestBody, where token is inside the header where the request exists. Design idea: use a filter to get the token inside the request, get the token into a user object, then save the object into the attribute s ...

Added by gwh on Sun, 12 Sep 2021 20:07:15 +0300