Dynamic agent combing

JDK dynamic agent   *JDK dynamic proxy creates proxy instances for interfaces (similar to creating implementation classes for interfaces) 1: It mainly involves the two classes Proxy and InvocationHandler in the java.lang.reflect package. InvocationHandler is an interface, which can be implemented by a user-defined class to define enhanced lo ...

Added by mr_zhang on Sun, 12 Sep 2021 07:56:08 +0300

Quick Start for the SpringBoot 2.0 Getting Started Tutorial, Project Build HelloWorld Example

This is an original joshua317 article, reprinted please note: Reprinted from joshua317 Blog SpringBoot 2.0 Getting Started Tutorial (1) Quick Start, Project Build Hello World Example - joshua317 Blog 1. Objectives You can quickly start a Spring web project yourself. 2. Brief introduction 1. What is Spring Boot Spring Boot is a new framewor ...

Added by stevieontario on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 19:46:44 +0300

springcloud:config distributed configuration center and Bus message Bus, RabbitMQ environment configuration

springcloud config distributed configuration center Overview: configuration problems faced by distributed systems? Microservice means to split the business in a single application into one sub service. The granularity of each service is relatively small, so there will be a large number of services in the system. Because each service need ...

Added by tuuga on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 08:20:57 +0300

Chapter 20: Comments

Preface 1. Annotations are also called metadata 2. The advent of annotations simplifies some duplicate development and often works with aop 3. Annotations without arguments are called label annotations 4. Cleaner, more readable code for easy expansion 5. and compile-time type checking 1. Meta-Notes Meta Annotation is responsible for ...

Added by Gary Kambic on Fri, 10 Sep 2021 07:29:46 +0300

Spring Cloud learning notes

Why learn Spring Cloud In project development, with more and more businesses, it leads to high coupling between functions, low development efficiency, slow system operation, difficult to maintain and unstable. Microservice architecture can solve these problems, and Spring Cloud is the most popular implementation of microservice archit ...

Added by johnnyv on Wed, 08 Sep 2021 08:36:52 +0300

Spring AOP Part 1 - initial spring AOP

catalogue preface Several concepts of AOP Code example Several common scenarios for notification About @ Pointcut summary preface         The previous article talked about dynamic agents and interceptor chains, Spring - dynamic proxy and interceptor . Because dynamic proxy is the foundation of spring AOP, you can ...

Added by rolwong on Tue, 07 Sep 2021 07:55:15 +0300

Simple handwriting simulation spring underlying principle

catalogue Supplementary notes Preparation of basic engineering Implement ApplicationContext Implement @ ComponentScan annotation Implement @ Component annotation spring principle specific simple simulation Supplementary notes Before starting, add the generation time of a bean. In the previous code for getting started with spring, it wa ...

Added by miancu on Tue, 07 Sep 2021 07:01:03 +0300

Spring cloud quick start, how do Java developers become architects step by step

Feign is a declarative and templated HTTP client developed by Netfix. It can help us call HTTP API more quickly. It supports its own annotations, Jax RS annotations and spring MVC annotations, and also integrates Ribbon and Eureka. By using feign, the Rest request can be hidden and disguised as a Controller similar to spring MVC. You don't have ...

Added by jayskates on Mon, 06 Sep 2021 05:22:46 +0300

lambda expression - shawn, how to ensure high availability

There is only one abstract method in the interface: Modifier interface Interface name { public abstract Return value type method name(Optional parameter information); // Other non abstract method content } Since the public abstract keywords in the interface can be omitted, the above functional interface can be written in the follow ...

Added by lispwriter on Sat, 04 Sep 2021 02:59:40 +0300

Handwritten spring Chapter 2 - writing extensible containers using design patterns

preface Based on the previous chapter Handwritten spring Chapter 1 - Basic container construction , we have made a simple spring container to complete bean injection, but we still have many deficiencies in function and architecture design. requirement analysis In terms of framework design, we believe that the architecture must ensure th ...

Added by TEENFRONT on Fri, 03 Sep 2021 07:34:44 +0300