Best practice | RDS & POLARDB archiving to X-Pack Spark computing

The X-Pack Spark service provides Redis, Cassandra, MongoDB, HBase and RDS storage services with the ability of complex analysis, streaming processing, warehousing and machine learning through external computing resources, so as to better solve user data processing related scenario problems. RDS & polardb sub table archiving to X-Pack S ...

Added by cyber_ghost on Thu, 07 Nov 2019 08:55:51 +0200

Python 3 selector crawls Douban reading information and stores it in Excel table or mysql database

I. crawling for Douban reading information Only the title and score of Douban's reading information are crawled here Crawling method is to search according to the selector corresponding to the required information in the web page. For example: Https:// On the page, climb to the name of th ...

Added by happyneil on Thu, 07 Nov 2019 01:31:44 +0200

MySQL error deletion database recovery practice

Create test library and table create database test; use test; create table leo (id int,name varchar(10)); insert data insert into leo values (1,"liufeng"); insert into leo values (2,"zhangsan"); insert into leo values (3,"liufeng"); insert into leo values (4,"zhangsan"); mysql> select * from leo; +------+----------+ | id | name | +-- ...

Added by Zup on Fri, 01 Nov 2019 02:49:35 +0200

Introduction to Oracle insert all

insert all is used to write data in batch in oracle Now let's directly learn from the example, which is relatively simple and intuitive. The example comes from the book harvest, not only SQL optimization. Environmental preparation create table t as select object_name,rownum as object_id from dba_objects where rownum<=10; Create ...

Added by Snorkel on Fri, 01 Nov 2019 00:25:03 +0200

[Python actual combat] Python calculates ID verification code and generates virtual ID card in batch

There is a previous article that details some information about ID card. Please check the article. [test] past life and present life of ID card . Citizenship number is a feature combination code, which consists of 17 digit ontology code and one check code. The sequence from left to right is: six digit address code, eig ...

Added by xsaero00 on Thu, 31 Oct 2019 13:59:17 +0200

SQL statement precompile (query)

SQL statement precompile Pre compilation of SQL statements can prevent SQL injection and improve security because SQL statements have been precompiled before the program runs. Before the first operation of the database, SQL statements have been analyzed, compiled and optimized by the database. The corre ...

Added by Scummy12 on Thu, 31 Oct 2019 10:05:39 +0200

What? You still don't use DataWorks scheduling?

Friends who have read interactive analysis of six pulse sword (portal: The initial experience of HoloStudio in interactive analysis of six pulse sword )It should be known that HoloStudio, a one-stop development platform based on interactive analysis engine, is deeply integrated into dataworks. With the support of dataworks's powerful function b ...

Added by r3drain on Thu, 31 Oct 2019 03:31:50 +0200

left join multi table query optimization in mysql

sql optimization of left join in MYSQL An example of sql super slow recently is as follows The table creation statement is as follows The execution time is about 4 seconds, the speed is too slow, the experience is too poor An example of sql super slow recently is as follows The table creati ...

Added by Splynx on Wed, 30 Oct 2019 21:05:40 +0200

JDBC SQL injection and transactions

First, prepare the database data, and fill in the data in the database. Independent abstract method, reuse. First, initialize the interface (define a method) Second, verify the user name and password (define another method) package com.bjpowernode.jdbc; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; impor ...

Added by shatztal on Wed, 30 Oct 2019 09:32:06 +0200

hql statement query of Hibernate

HQL is the abbreviation of Hibernate Query Language, which provides more flexible and powerful query capabilities; HQL is closer to SQL query syntax. query Query all (persistent data) // s: aliases must be aliased to objects, not *. Not in hibernate* String hql="select s from Student s"; //The Que ...

Added by TNIDBMNG on Tue, 29 Oct 2019 18:29:11 +0200